Fourty Four

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     Why the fuck won't my little bunny answer his goddamn phone? He's got me worried sick. I even called Jimin and Hoseok and neither will tell me shit.
    I know I've been hectically busy reestablishing my empire since losing half my protégés but for fucks sake I'm done with the evasiveness. Jungkook knows I'm a busy business man.
     I glower up at the little cocksucker's window, beyond annoyed. It's currently four in the morning and Jin and Namjoon are gone on a trip. I know Jungkook is up there alone and awake. His light is still on. He still refuses to answer my calls or bangs on the door, though.
     I had been planning a surprise for him and everything. Happy to finally be back in town and being able to see him. I've never felt that way about anyone in years. Now I'm beginning to regret giving in to his stubborn ass.
     "Jungkook, open this fucking door!" I kick it, sighing long and hard at the jewelry box in my pocket. A specialized necklace I'd had made for my bunny so he'd always be reminded he's mine. I had called the designer and arranged to have it made within two days. I invited her to lunch for her quick work since it was such short notice.
     I'm not going to lie and say she didn't come on to me but once she realized the piece she'd designed was for my partner she'd backtracked and apologized. I offered her a ride home in gratitude then headed back to work before calling my bunny.
      To no avail.
What the fuck is his problem?
     Scowling and cursing under my breath, I take out the extra key I conned from Namjoon, I let myself in and stomp up the stairs. Yes, I realize how unbecoming my behavior is but I've fucking missed him. I don't miss anyone. But I miss him. Need to touch him—feel him.
I throw his bedroom door open, pausing in my tracks when I see him laid out on the bed, face buried in his pillow. His breathing his slow and even. Tear tracks mar his cheeks in the light of his nightstand.
The phone and all my missed calls lay untouched under the dresser, the screen cracked. I approach slowly, concerned and anger fading a bit.
I shake him away. "Jungkook, wake up."
He stirs, mumbling unintelligibly in his sleep before turning over. I smile at his adorableness. I pull out the necklace I bought him and imagine it fitted around his neck. It's not dainty or feminine. It's a masculine thick gold chain that comes off rather plain at first. It's the inside that holds the true glory and price of the piece.
Inscribed inside is the words Kim Taehyung loves Jeon Jungkook always—My bunny, my heart—
Cheesy perhaps but I felt it suited to get my point across. him. I love him so fucking much. I hate being away from him all the time.
I hear a light gasp and glance up to see Jungkook awake and scrambling away from me. "H-how'd you get in here?!" He demands, angry.
My brow furrows. "I tried to wake you but you wouldn't let me in. Namjoon gave me an extra key."
He gets off the bed and strides away from me towards the window, crossing his arms. "Get out."
I sit frozen, unsure what's going on. "Bunny—"
"Don't! Just don't, Taehyung. I want you to leave!" He flings his arm towards the door.
"Care to enlighten me to what's deserved me such behavior?" I ask dryly, repocketing the necklace.
He scoffs. "Don't act all innocent. You just couldn't resist, could you? I fucking gave you everything!" Tears begin streaming down his face. "And you used me! You fucking cheated on me when you promised you would stay faithful! You're such a liar! GET OUT!" He screams.
I flinch, shocked at his rage and outburst. "What in God's name are you talking about?! I haven't cheated on you! I've been fucking working! I told you that." Now my own anger is surfacing.
"So that's why you could never return a single fucking phone call or text? Why you've ignored me and left me on 'read' this whole week! Why...why I saw you taking a woman out on a date today!" He wipes his eyes, shuttering with emotion.
It clicks in my head and I groan. "I did not cheat on you. If I truly thought I would be unfaithful I never would have agreed to a monogamous arrangement! That woman was—"
He slaps me.
"I don't want to hear it! Just leave! I n-never should have give in to you! I hate you, Kim Taehyung! You're nothing but a pathetic playboy destined to be alone! It's over!"
My eyes widen in shock. My hands shaking with rage. My cheek stinging. No one. No one fucking touches me. No one fucking hits me. NO ONE FUCKS WITH KIM TAEHYUNG.
I take a deep shuddering breath and...laugh. His eyes narrow and he stares at me as if I've gone crazy. Maybe I have. Thinking I could actually have anything normal in my life. That I could actually gain the trust of such a fragile and beautiful boy as Jungkook.
I stop laughing and pull out the box, tossing it on the bed without a care. I'm fucking done. I was really trying, too. His eyes follow it as it bounces and falls open, revealing the inside.
My heart.
"Take it. Its for you. That woman was a designer. I had her make that for you. Fuck it. Throw it away, burn it, or keep it—I don't care. You are right. I've lived my life a certain way for a long time and should have stuck to it. I regret laying my eyes on you, Jeon Jungkook. For ever thinking something as pure and beautiful as you could belong to someone as dark as me."
With shaking fingers, he reaches for the necklace and holds it, staring at it in awe.
"This was doomed to fail from the start, beautiful." I sigh, dropping my gaze from him. "You deserve someone that can easily answer all your calls and put you first. I'll admit that I can't do that. I can't be there for you every second and I have secrets—lots of them. I've always tried to be transparent about my feelings for you, though. I never cheated on you, pretty boy." I pause, swallowing the sudden lump in my throat. "You need to go be someone else's bunny."
I turn and walk away, knowing better than to give in a moment to speak or even look back. This was bound to happen sometime. He will always doubt me and I don't have time for that.
I, Kim Taehyung, have more important things to worry about in my life than a selfish little boy with trust issues. I should have stayed far away like I have with all the others. Kept things strictly physical and noncommittal. This is why I'm destined to be alone. Perhaps I like it this way.
I'm too damaged to properly change, I suppose. Jungkook just saw right through me more so than even I could. I actually thought...
I shake my head. Jungkook will be fine without me and I have an empire to run. Plenty of distractions to relieve me of my missing heart—right in the hands upstairs of my little bunny.

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