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       I grunt in pain as my cheek stings from a slap. I spin around in shock to see Mark, Jackson's—the bartender—boyfriend glaring down at me.
      "What the hell was that for?"
      He scoffs. "Listen bitch, stay the hell away from my boyfriend. I know he's told you repeatedly to cut the shit and that he's not interested so why do you continue to throw yourself at him, huh?"
       I blink, having no idea what he's talking about. Sure, I like to tease and take shots at the bartender but I've never technically threw myself at him nor solicited him for sex. He isn't a porn star and I know my limits.
       "I haven't even talked to Jackson this week." I defend.
      "He told me that you tried to get him to spend the night in your room last night."
       I gape at him. "What?! That's a load of shit! I was with Jungkook all day and night yesterday. I didn't even see Jackson. You can ask Jungkook." I narrow my eyes.
        He seems to deflate a little, the fire just dying out. "O-oh, really? Are you really serious?"
       I nod defiantly despite my red cheek. "Yes, Mark. I won't go after your boyfriend. Believe it or not I have limits."
       He slumps down. "God, I'm sorry. It's just...I think he's cheating on me but trying to cover it up by accusing you of shit. Every time he's late or something he just says how much he hates dodging your advances." He rolls his eyes.
       I feel immensely offended. "It's not me, Mark. I swear. I have Jungkook and Hoseok to keep me company. I don't mess with Jackson. Sure, I bug him when I get drinks but I've been laying off the alcohol for a while." I admit.
       I sit down beside him as he wipes his face and begins sniffling. "I'm sorry I hit you. I was just so mad. Now I'm pissed at Jackson for letting me make an ass of myself." He scoffs.
       I wrap my arm around him, squeezing. "It's okay. I get it. Anytime shit goes down I'm always the scapegoat." I shrug. "It's always 'blame Park'." I sigh.
       He squeezes my thigh. "I should have calmed down and talked to you first. I didn't want to believe you'd do me like that because I thought we were friends but why wouldn't I believe my own boyfriend, right?"
        I hesitate. "Do you know where he is right now?"
       He frowns. "Work. He said he had a shift today."
       I avoid his gaze. "Well I just came from the bar area and Jackson isn't working today. He requested today off, I think. Actually, I think he gets every thursday off." I explain.
       He gasps. "He told me he always has to work on thursdays!"
       "Hey, Jin! Have you seen Jackson today?" I ask as Jin and Namjoon walk past us.   
       Jin frowns. "Mhm, I think he was heading upstairs a few minutes ago. Isn't he off today?" He asks after a moment.
       Mark looks devastated. Only one reason a person that doesn't live here goes upstairs—sex.
       "I'm really sorry, Mark." I sigh, feeling bad despite the pain he caused me and the accusations. I doubt blame him—I blame Jackson. The prick. How dare he involve me in his lies?!
       "So are you coming to watch our performance later?" Namjoon teases me.
      I glance up, confused. "Huh?"
       Jin rolls his eyes. "Tonight is our big scene with Jungkook." He blushes. "It's going to be really awkward, honestly, but people have been requesting it so we can't get out of it."
       Oh. "Sure, I'll watch.
       Nodding, they walk off down the hall towards the kitchen. I look back at Mark who seems to be contemplating something. "You okay?"
       "I want to know. I want to know who the bitch is that's taking Jackson from me. I want to know why I'm not good enough. Why he feels he can have better." He stands up angrily and I follow after, curious and wanting to give Jackson a piece of my mind as well.
       We make it to the second floor in a rush and begin checking all doors. Most are locked and seemingly empty but as we near one door, it's obvious there is someone in there. Or two. I don't know who actually owns the room but I know Jackson is in there.
       I usually don't like getting involved in anyone else's business around here but it seems I'm right in the middle of this one. Ugh, I should have just stayed with Kookie all day.
       Mark growls and throws the door open. I wince, seeing Jackson clearly busy, naked and sweaty, on top of another guy. So into it they don't notice us. Mark sobs quietly beside me as Jackson grunts and fucks the guy desperately, talking dirty and clearly not giving one thought to his distraught lover behind him.
       I clear my throat loudly making him jerk his head around, shock in his gaze as he finally realizes what's going on. I gasp as I finally see who he's been fucking so vigorously.
       Min Yoongi.
       Holy shit. How can he do this to Hoseok?
       "M-Mark!" Jackson pulls out and grabs for his clothes but Mark Just curses him before running back out. I scowl at Yoongi as he sits up and smiles at me, pulling out a cigarette as the fighting couple leave the room.
      I clench my fists. "Why are you doing this to Hoseok?" I demand.
       He chuckles dryly, puffing. "Well, I figured if that little whore gets to have fun fucking Tae and Jungkook then why not have some fun myself? Jackson has been after me for awhile so why not." He shrugs.
        I gape at him, honestly disgusted. "You're a piece of shit, Min Yoongi. I really hope Hoseok leaves you for good this time." I spit.
       He scoffs. "He won't. He doesn't know how to do anything that's good for him. He loves me and will let me do whatever the fuck I want to because he's insecure. He won't leave me." He says so confidently.
       I feel tears well up. Why couldn't Hoseok just give me a chance? Not just physically but emotionally as well? I could be so much better for him.
       I shake my head, knowing it's no use to fight against Yoongi. He's an ass. I turn to leave but he grabs my wrist, jerking me down onto the bed and pinning me with his gross sweat slick body.
      "G-Get off me!"
       "You fucking ruined a good fuck for me, Park. You have to take responsibility, don't you think?" He smiles, grabbing my face roughly and shoving his tongue into my mouth. I gag, tasting cum and other disgusting things from Jackson most likely.
        His grip is painfully tight as he begins tearing at my clothes. "Come on you fucking slut. Any other time you'd beg for my dick. Don't fucking play like you don't want it." He growls, ripping my jeans down my legs as I struggle to get away. "Let's see how much you can take this time, whore."
       He begins sucking painfully on my flesh, biting and pinching while grinding down over my limp cock and slapping my thighs hard.
      "S-Stop it! I'm serious, Yoongi!" I threaten, tears burning my eyes.
        He chuckles. "So fucking pretty when you cry, Park. You know...sometimes when I'm hurting you and fucking your tight ass...I think I like you more than Hoseok. You might even be a better fuck." He snorts.
       I spit in his face while trying to free myself and his smile slips. He slaps me across the face making me cry out in pain. I turn my head away from him as he begins fingering me, spreading me open harshly for his throbbing erection rubbing against my thigh.
      I want to throw up. I look up at the open door with a shock to see Hoseok glaring at us. I gasp and try to sit up but Yoongi just shoves me back down, uncaring and unaware.
      The betrayal in Hoseok's eyes hurt worse than Yoongi ripping into my body dry.
       I wail out a breathless sob as he angrily leaves his boyfriend to continue raping me, probably thinking I seduced him like everyone else. I clench my eyes shut and continue to struggle to no avail as Yoongi takes what he wants from me. Like always.
        After all, it's all I'm good for around here anyway. Just a fuck. Not worth anything. God, I just want to die. Please let him just choke or fuck me to death. I'm gladly accept it right now. I don't want to live with Hoseok thinking I betrayed him. I hate Yoongi with a fucking passion. I wish he'd just go the fuck away and stop ruining everything.
       I've never wanted this asshole. I just wanted to spend time with Hoseok and get closer to him. Fuck, why do I even bother to try? Maybe the universe is telling me to just give the fuck up.
       I think I will. What's the point anymore?

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