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     I wake up hot and disoriented. Groaning, I shove the blankets off me and try to shake off the horrible headache. A bottle of pills and a glass of water sit on my nightstand.
I take them and lay back, trying to remember anything about last night. I remember meeting all the guys and drinking...after leaving the gym is a mystery, though.
Did I talk to Taehyung? I feel like I did or something. I get up to use the bathroom, finding a little plastic cup beside the toilet. I do my business and make sure to clean it off thoroughly before planning to give back to him.

     After taking a quick shower, I walk back into the room to find Jimin lounging on the edge of my bed. He looks as rough as me—of course I don't have like a thousand hickies on my neck or burn marks around my wrist. Whatever...
I refuse to ask as I climb back into bed and bury my face in the warm sheets. I can feel his eyes on me and it's weird he hasn't said anything yet.
I peak up to see him laying down with his eyes closed, looking tired. "You okay?" I ask.
He groans, shaking his head. "S-sorry. I cancelled our shoot for today." He whispers. He can barely talk. I sit up, concerned.
"What's wrong?!" He was fine last night.
He tries to play it off with a laugh and arrogant smirk but it comes out as a hoarse choked whimper. "My throat just hurts a bit. Had too much fun last night, I guess." He sighs, wincing. "Just wanted to let you know that I can't do the shoot today. Tomorrow or...next week...would be better." He wiggles his body up closer to mine and snuggles into my side.
Rolling my eyes, I wrap my arm around him and relax. "Didn't you spend the night with those two guys?"
He groans. "Hoseok and Yoongi? Why yes, yes I did. Those two...are into some serious hardcore shit, let me tell you. Steer clear of them, okay? I don't think you could handle what they dish out." He winces again after moving a bit.
"Did they hurt you?" Seriously getting worried.
He sighs, rubbing his wrists. "Yeah but I expected it, ya know? They like me because I can do pretty much anything they want. They both like to dominate."
"God, you can't even talk or move, Jimin. Maybe you should stay away from them." I suggest.
He bites his lip, looking vulnerable for a moment. "T-they're my friends."
I scoff. "Don't seem like it. Why would real friends hurt you like this? It's cruel."
He looks down. "T-they care."
"Yeah. About themselves, it seems. You deserve better than to be used and abused like this. I don't care if you get paid for sex. You obviously didn't get paid last night, right? I bet it wasn't any fun for you." I whisper, confident. I'm learning much about Jimin and everything everyone has said about him is all lies.
     Well, maybe not lies but I get the sense that no one here knows the real Park Jimin and that's just sad.
He turns away from me, sniffling. "Kookie?" His voice is small.
"Yeah, Jiminie?"
"C-can you help me? I n-need to clean myself up but can't on my own. Usually I'd just manage but it really hurts."
I swallow hard, hating the duo that did this to him. Whether or not he agreed to it, they obviously just did this to hurt him on purpose. Sadists or something fucked up like that. "Yeah."
I help him into the bathroom and sit him by the tub while carefully removing his clothes. He winces and fights back tears as I glare at the bite marks and bruises deep in his skin. Some even still bleeding. Lashes on his back and ass.
He can barely sit down. "What did they do to you?"
He frowns. "Nothing much..."
I scowl at him.
He sighs. "You know...double penetration? Never do it, okay? It really fucking h-hurts." He stutters.
"They did that?" Shocked and disgusted. Horrified.
He nods, eyes full of tears. "I agreed at first but after they started it, it hurt so much so I begged them to stop. They s-said it was too late and they were already inside and didn't want to stop after the effort it took to do it." He looks down at his shaking hands. "I j-just sucked it up and let it go."
My eyes widen in shock. "Jimin that's like...rape! They should always stop if you tell them to! You have to tell Taehyung."
He shakes his head frantically. "No, I'm fine. I'll be fine. J-just help me please."
Groaning in frustration, I do as he asks. I fill the tub and help him slide down inside before getting a soft cloth and gently washing his wounds off. I grab some medicine and try to be as careful as I can as he pulls his knees up to his chest and holds back sobs of pain.
      I really want to punch them. "Jimin?"
      He sniffles. "Y-Yeah?"
      "They two aren't the only ones that have done shit like this to you, are they?"
      He hesitates and that silence is all the answer I need. "Why do you let them do this to you? I saw you last night with them. No offense but it kinda seems like you throw yourself at them. Why?"
      His entire body trembles. "B-because I don't like being alone. If I do what they want then...they give me attention." He whispers.
       My heart breaks for him. "Well you have me now. Stay the fuck away from everyone else, okay? I'll never hurt you like that, Jiminie." I lean over and hug him.
      He gives me a shaky smile. "I knew I liked you the moment I saw you, Kookie. Something about you just...just told me we'd be friends."
      I kiss his cheek. "Best friends, right?"
      His smile widens. "Best friends."
      I wash his hair and help dry him off, moving him over to my bed and hesitating at the ointment on the nightstand. The one he used on me the morning after I was with Taehyung. Its only fair and he's way worse off than I was.
      I pick it up and look at him. Biting his lip, he nods and turns over slowly. I try not to think too much about this as I spread his cheeks and gasp at the awful sight. Good god! "Jimin."
      He whimpers. "I k-know. Just do it fast please."
      Gritting my teeth, I take special care and try to heal him as best I can. "I think you need medical attention. Please, you have to tell Tae about this."
      I finish up and he immediately rolls back over with a wince. "No. Please just let it go. Please. I told you...I let them do it. They didn't do anything wrong."
      Huffing in frustration, I do as he begs of me. I let it go. Just this once, though. No matter what, I'm going to protect my friend from now on. I don't care how much of a bitch they think he is, they are all in the wrong and I'm glad to be the one to see the real person he is.

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