Thirty Nine

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"...I quit."
I hold Jungkook tighter in my arms and sigh. My over-possessiveness beyond happy about this new development.
I honestly have no right to be jealous. I'm the reason he even does what he does. I'm the one that sets up his shoots. It's not like they happen unexpectedly to me but I'm still insanely and inappropriately jealous when I see others touching what's mine. What I should only be touching.
It's not fair, though. I know that. I've had very few relationships—mostly just physical—and have never once cared about sharing. But Jungkook is different. I don't know why he's different but he is. I've been running this profession for a few years now so this shouldn't even faze me. Why does it?
       "Are you sure about this? I would never force you to go but I also won't force you to stay, either." I mutter.
       He smiles. "To be honest...I hate this job. The benefits and housing are amazing, don't get me wrong. It's just that...well...I'm more of a one man kind a guy. I hate having sex with other men when I just want you." His cheeks are bright red. Cute.
        "Oh, bunny." Groaning, I kiss him deeply for several long minutes. He submits to me beautifully. My perfect partner. "I like you that way. Only eyes for me."
       Nodding, he ducks his head into my chest. "Namjoon and Jin offered me a place to live with them when they move out. I think I might take it. It's the right decision."
       I nod solemnly. "Perhaps you're right."
       He plays with my hair absentminded. "What will happen with us? Can we be open? Will we still be able to see each other every day?"
       I hesitate. "Unfortunately, mostly likely no. We can still be boyfriends and, yes, we can be open about our relationship but I'm very busy. It will be hard to make plans frequently."
       "I can live with that." He sighs. "Can we make plans for a couple times a week, at least?" He pouts.
       Chuckling, I nod. "Of course. I have a business meeting trip next week, though, so I'll be gone for three days but when I return we can make plans for us."
       He smiles. "I also want to keep in touch with Jimin frequently. I think he needs to move out, too, but doubt he would."
        I nod. "Yes, he and Hoseok both consider this home. I told them they could stay here without continuing work. They've been very loyal to me for a long time now. I might as well return that favor. I can always hire more people and I'm not exactly hurting for cash."
       "You're very kind, Kim Taehyung. I know a lot of people fear you or think you are cold hearted but you're not. You're amazing." He reaches up to peck my lips.
       "Let's keep this little tidbit between us, baby, okay? I do have a reputation." I wink.
      Giggling, rolls his eyes. "You just better not indulge in other men while I'm gone! Since I'm done with other men I want monogamy!"
        I scoff. "I don't have time enough for you and you think I have time to have an affair?"
       He shrugs. "How do I know? I know you sleep with your other employees. You slept with Jimin and Hoseok while we were sorting out our relationship. I just hope you respect me enough to be honest and try in this. I want this to be real." He explains shyly.
       My lips twitch as I stare into his beautifully serious and worried face. "Baby, you're the only one I want. No more sex with employees. Hoseok was the last and I have a feeling he's already got someone else to soothe his mind and body."
       His eyes widen. "Who?!"
       "He and Jimin have been spending a lot of time together. Now that Yoongi is gone, I think they could make it work. They could use each other."
       He nods, playing with my fingers now. "You're right. I really hope they do bring comfort and relief to each other." He pauses. "Tae...are you ever going to open up to me about yourself and your past? I'm curious how you became in charge of this huge empire."
       I tense up slightly but thankfully he doesn't seem to notice. "Is that really important?"
       "Well, no, but I'd love to know. As your partner...I know pretty much nothing about you."
       "If you really want to know...I'll tell you one day. When I'm ready. It's complicated and I'm really not the best person, bunny. I've done some questionable things in the past."
"You know I won't judge you, Tae. I k-know we haven't been together long but..." he hesitates, taking a deep breath. "You know I love you. I can't help it. I just do. I love you and nothing you tell me will change that."
His confidence in me is admirable. Too bad it's most likely misplaced. I'm not a devil. I'm not a murderer or anything crazy like that but the things I have done to get where I'm at...would be looked down upon by a lot of people. I've ruined a lot of lives climbing my way to the top without much remorse.
I have one regret. Just one.
I don't think about that time, that person often but occasionally it will pop into my mind and I'll spiral into a depression for days. I hate it. I just want to forget.
And I don't want Jungkook to know about it. What if he does judge me for this one thing? The one action that still gets to me. What if he leaves me when he finds out about them? He just might.
And I couldn't blame him one bit.
But if I'm going to tell him my story...well...I pride myself on honor and honesty. I don't plan to ruin that with him. I want him to know the whole, unadulterated, real me. He deserves it if he really loves me.
Soon. I'll open up soon. For now I just want to bask in our newfound love and lust. The start of something big and all consuming.

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