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     My hands are shaking as I kiss my best friend gently on the lips. The taste sweet yet salty with his tears. His hand tangles in my hair as he deepens it, sliding his slick tongue against mine in a sensual dance, our bodies getting hotter every second.
      Pulling back, I stare into his fragile eyes, loneliness and fear and trust shining brightly. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up first, okay?"
      Swallowing hard, he nods and allows me to lift him into my arms and carry him into the bathroom. I gasp when I see the mess of glass and blood staining the white floor and sink.
      "Jimin!" So that's what happened. The mirror is in pieces.
      He wraps his arms around his naked body propped on the edge of the tub while I begin carefully cleaning the mess.
      "P-please. Please just leave it. I'll get it later." He whispers.
      Frowning, I stand up and nod shortly, reaching over him to start the shower. Making sure the water is perfect I help him into it being careful of his injured hand and wrist.
      Stripping down, I join him, a little bashful since I know for a fact that I'm going to have sex with him. All the other times were rushed unexpected occurrences or just not wanted. Now, though, I want this.
      I still want Taehyung but for now I can move aside my feelings and focus fully on Jimin. He deserves this. Someone to actually pay attention to his needs and wants and see the real him behind the cocky sexy pornstar.
        I wash his hair and body slow and gentle, letting him do the same to me. After we get all rinsed off, his lips find mine again. More passion than before. More emotion.
      I remember how Jimin loves to make me feel in the showers we take together. Always focusing on my pleasure—wanted or not.
       I turn him around and press his palms against the wall, forcing him to remain still as I sink to my knees, my lips trailing down his back to the curve of his ass.
      He moans. "K-Kookie..."
      I knead his cheeks, spreading him open for me and mouthing each cheek before licking right up his center. He throws his head back, thighs shaking, as I slip my tongue past his tight ring of muscles, eating him out sloppily.
      I've honestly never imagined myself doing this. Being a virgin before coming here, this is the first time I've done this. Sure, my first blowjob was curtesy of Tae but I haven't done this yet. I hope I'm doing it right. His loud moans and shivers seem to encourage me enough, though.
I groans and bury my face between his wet cheeks, slurping and sucking on his rim as he shudders apart above me. He screams my name and claws at the tiles as cum runs down the drain at my knees. Damn. He came just from me eating his ass?
I shakily get up and pull him into my arms, his quiet sobs muffled by my shoulder as he rests his head there. "You okay?"
He nods jerkily, jumping up into my arms as I turn off the water and try not to clumsily kill us on the way to the bed. I drop him and he crawls backwards to the head board, for once looking hesitating and nervous.
His eyes roam over my body hungrily as his cock plumps back up between his thighs. I'm not really the dominant type but right now I'm willing to give it a try—who knows, maybe I'll like it?
I stalk towards him onto the bed, watching him like prey as he eagerly spreads his legs and moans, pumping his erection in his tight fist. I knock his hand away, however, and replace it with my mouth. Tonguing his salty slit as he lifts his knees, holding himself open to me as I thrust two fingers into his ass, deepthroating him the way Taehyung taught me.
"F-fuck....Kookie...I c-can't...ugh..." His moans heighten in pitch. "'re so g-good...please fuck me!"
I pop off his leaking cock and remove my fingers, licking them clean slowly, teasingly, my eyes never leaving his. His own wide eyes are filled with lust as he pulls me down on top of him and thrusts his tongue into my mouth.
While we kiss for a long time, I caress his body, careful of his hand, running my palms down his stomach and thighs, groping his ass as I spread his cheeks and tease inbetween.
"Ready?" I ask, sucking a hickey onto his neck.
He nods frantically.
      I lift up onto my knees and his hand immediately latches onto my cock, stroking me and tugging me towards his ass. Smirking, I kiss him and allow him to put me inside.
      Grasping his thighs, I hold still for several long seconds until he pouts and gets restless before slamming my hips hard inside him. He screams in shock and pleasure as I begin pounding into his hot body. Giving him the fucking he wants while my hands are more gentle on his body, showing my love and affection for him with my mouth.
      I can feel and taste his tears as he clings to me, our passion overwhelming us both as we get lost together.
      As I pump into him, I stare into his eyes and can't stop myself from thinking about Taehyung. Does he feel anything when he fucks me like this? Does he feel the same heated passion and affection for me or is it all just lust?
       I moan Jimin's name as I climax, filling his body and milking my cock frantically as he grinds his ass down on me. His own cum drenching his stomach as he cries out.
      I moan Jimin's name as I kiss him again and again and let him mark my back but it's Taehyung I see and wish to be in bed with. It's Taehyung that my heart belongs to as Jimin whispers 'I love you'.
      It's Taehyung I want to make love to me when Jimin falls asleep beside me, sated and relaxed. Finally given the care he deserves.
      I kiss his sweaty forehead as he snuggles into my pillows. I leave him there to find the one I love.
      Yeah, I think I love Taehyung.

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