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      "I'm worried." I mumble, sitting on Jin's bed later after helping Jimin get some sleep.
Jin, on his part, looks very surprised as I tell him everything that happened and my thoughts about Jimin. "He's never seemed like the vulnerable type. He's very standoffish—at least since I've known him. He's arrogant and cocky and likes to stir up trouble." He hesitates. "Are you sure he's not just using you and trying to gain sympathy by forcing you closer to him?"
I gasp. "There's no way! You didn't see him, Jin-ah. He was sobbing and trying so hard to bite back his cries of pain. It was real. I know it was. He was scared but he won't let me tell Taehyung."
He sighs, sitting down across from me. "Well, if he were to tell Taehyung there would have to be an investigation as well as a few terminations and those that lost their jobs over Jimin might try to retaliate. I honestly don't blame him for not wanting to involve the boss."
I groan, throwing myself back on the bed. "I'm afraid that he's going to get seriously hurt. If he keeps doing this to himself, he could get himself killed!"
"Jungkook." He pulls me up and looks at me sternly. "Listen. I know it may seem difficult to believe but Park Jimin is a manipulator. He knew exactly what was in store for him when he went back with Hoseok and Yoongi. Those two are hardcore BDSM pornstars. It's their job to walk on the edge. Jimin has done this before, Jungkook. Please trust me and just let it go."
I stare down at my hands. "Have you...have you been with them?" I ask hesitantly.
He laughs. "Of course not. I'm not a masochist. Those two are serious sadists. Promise me that you will never accept their offers, okay? On or off the camera. They will hurt you. It's their job."
I nod, a lump in my throat. "I won't."
He nods. "Good." He glances up at the clock. "I have to go. Joon and I have a shoot in about ten minutes."
I watch him get ready before slowly walking back to my room where Jimin is still resting peacefully. I don't know what to believe. I trust Jin but...he doesn't know Jimin like me.
Sighing, I leave the room for the kitchen, hungry. I find Taehyung making himself a snack. I blush, feeling nervous and shy for some reason.
He glances up at me. "Oh hey. Hope you're feeling much better now?"
I nod, rummaging through the fridge. "Y-Yeah. Thanks. I don't remember much about that night." I smile.
He leans back on the counter and watches me. "Your results came back clean but I'm sure you knew that. Just wanted to let you know."
I pause, glancing at him. "Yeah but I guess it's good to get confirmation."
He tilts his head. "I know that Jimin backed out on you but I don't want to leave you without a paycheck. Perhaps I can find another to do your first set with."
My mouth goes dry. "Um...who?"
He stares at me consideringly. "Not sure yet. You've met all the boys. Who would you feel more comfortable with?"
You. I'd feel most comfortable with you. I lick my lips and try to think. He isn't a pornstar. He would never...
"I can just wait until Jimin feels better."
He sighs. "Actually, I'm shorthanded. Could you maybe...take over with Hoseok? Yoongi had to leave temporarily and won't be back until next week. A family thing. Jimin is out as well. It would really help me out."
My pulse races as I think about what I just promised Jin. "But I'm not...not into that..." I trail off.
He laughs. "Oh, not BDSM. Yoongi is really the king of that here. Hoseok isn't as bad and can have any type of sexual play. He's a little bit of a sex addict as I'm sure you've noticed. It wouldn't be anything like you're thinking."
Still, I hesitate. "I guess...if you really need me..."
"Excellent. I'll have it set up this evening. Now there are several things you need to do to prepare. Come." He motions me to follow him back to his office.
Once inside, he opens a large standing file cabinet that actually ends up being like a closet of sorts. He pulls out a bag and hands it to me. I look inside with a frown. "What is this?"
He sits on the couch so I join him. "All employees of mine have these items. They are all made to prep you before the shoot to make it as easy and smooth as possible. Not as painful."
I nod. "I don't know what most of this is..." I admit, embarrassed.
He smiles. "Have you ever heard of an...enema?"
I shake my head.
"It's a form of cleaning yourself out that way your all clean and ready for your partner. It keeps things less messy and sanitary on set. I require them to be used frequently before sets. It's fairly easy to use."
I chew on my bottom lip, nervous as I read the box. "I don't know if I can do this..."
He takes the box from my hand and studies it before looking back at me. "Would you like me to help you?"
My lips fall open as I imagine him doing this for me. Humiliating. Degrading. So...why does the thought of him doing such intimate things to me like that...taking control of such primal functions of my body make my cock twitch in my pants?
I feel shame as my face flushes. I open my mouth but nothing comes out.
His eyes never leave me. A small smirk plays on his lips as he stands and holds his hand out for me. I take it without thinking. "Come. Let me...show you what to do."
I follow him helplessly as he grabs the bag and pulls me up the stairs. I'm surprised when he walks right passed my room and to the back of the hall. Opening a locked door in the corner, he steps inside and, of course, I follow.
He flips on the light and I'm stunned by the room. He glances around. "This...is my room. No one has ever been here before." He admits.
I swallow hard. The huge centered king sized bed covered in black and red silk takes my focus but slowly I find my gaze roaming over his...supplies? Toys? I'm realizing now that...maybe Hoseok and Yoongi aren't the only ones into BDSM.
What the hell have I gotten myself into? As he slowly approaches me I can't stop my breathing from escalating. Oh god...he's going to ruin me. I just know. The worst part is...I don't think I'll mind one bit if it's this man doing the destroying.

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now