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    "How was your date?"
     I glance up from the weight station to see Jimin looking down at me with curiosity, leaning against the bar. I still haven't decided what to do about him and his lies and betrayal but for now I'm putting it aside.
     Maybe Taehyung is right and maybe I can possibly change him but really I'm just not sure. "It was great. What did you do all night?" I ask.
      He smirks, plopping himself down on my lap and wrapping his arms around me. "Nothing much. Just hung out with Jin and Namjoon for awhile."
     "That's cool."
      He grins. "Want to go shopping? I need new clothes."
     I hesitate. "Okay. Let me finish up working out, though."
      He scoffs and jerks me up. "You don't need to! Look at those abs—I could just lick them. Let's go!" He excitedly hauls me back to my room to change.
     "I need a shower, at least. I'm sweaty and gross." I mumble, walking into the bathroom. He, of course, follows after and begins removing his clothing as well.
     I glance at him. "What are you doing?"
     He pauses. "What? I like showering with you and helping."
     "But I'm not hurt or need help. I'm fine, Jimin."
      He pouts, leaning into my chest. I frown as he reaches up to kiss my lips—or tries to. I move my head so his lips land on my cheek. I carefully and gently grab his shoulders and move him back.  
      " know that this isn't how friends act, right? I want to be your friend but you know I like Tae. He likes me. We're taking things slow and going on little dates but feelings are there. Why do you keep doing this?"
He looks away, shoulders slumping. He wraps his arms around his half naked body. "Y-you don't like me? Is my body not good enough? I can be rough like him. I can be anything you want me to be." His voice turns desperate. "Please, Kookie. You're the only one I can trust and talk to. The only one I want to be around that won't use me..."
I sigh. "Then why do you keep throwing yourself at them? Why do you keep throwing yourself at me?! Friends don't fuck!"
      "We're porn stars, Jungkook! Of course friends in this profession fuck! It's normal for us—for me! This is all I know! Why do you have to put me down and make me feel like trash just like everybody else!" He cries, wiping his eyes. "God, I thought m-maybe you were different but you're just like them!" He grabs his shirt and begins walking out but I follow him, wrapping a towel around my waist.
      "I know what you did." I say, calm as he pauses by the door, his hands shaking.
      "What you did with Tae that night? I saw the video and I know you know that he recorded everything. How could you not know? I'm sure you knew he'd show it to me. Why? What are you trying to do, Jimin?" I demand, beyond done with his little fits and selfish behavior.
He leans his head against the door, his body shaking. For a second I think he's crying but when he slowly turns around—he's laughing.
It makes me angrier. "Answer me!"
"How does it feel to know the one you like and want to be with will fuck anyone here? Has fucked everyone here already, actually—even your best friend, Jin. It doesn't get to you at all?" He asks, slowly walking towards me, his tears long gone and true emotions shining through.
This really is all a game to him. "So what?"
He tilts his head, still approaching me until I'm backed into a corner. His hands fall to my hips and he leans in, skimming his nose over my collarbone. "So what? I know it bothers you, Kookie. Does it break you inside? What about when he makes you fuck others for money when all you want is to be his?"
My breath hitches and I'm angry that he hit a sensitive mark.
He eyes me knowingly, a smirk on his mouth. "I can help make him jealous for you. I'll let you use me to make him mad."
I gape at him. "Are you kidding me?! You just accused me of using you, Park Jimin! You're contradicting yourself!"
He blinks. "I k-know but you just hurt my feelings by rejecting me. I will let you use me. Just you. Just for you. That's what friends do, right?"
I scoff. "Move. Please." I try to push him back but he doesn't budge. "Jimin, I'm serious. I can't talk to you right now."
His expression becomes unreadable as he stares me down before his grip on my hips tighten. He presses his lips to mine quickly before I can dodge it, his tongue slipping between my lips and tangling with my own.
      I struggle against him but he trips me and we fall together on the floor. He whips off my towel and begins shoving down his pants.
      "I promise I'll make you feel so good, Kookie. I'll make it good just relax and—" he strokes my cock and begins rubbing it between his legs, a look of euphoric lust on his face. It's like he's drugged or something.
     Growling, I use his distraction of trying to force himself down on my cock to flip us and grab his wrists, pinning them to his chest. "Stop it! Stop this, Jimin! Fuck—you need some help! You have an addiction or something! You need some help." I gasp.
      He struggles under me, whimpering. "Y-you're hurting me, Kookie!" He says as I shake him repeatedly. Manic.
     "Just Stop! Stop it! I want to help you but you have to fucking stop this!" I yell into his shocked tear-streaked face.
      He sobs, gasping uncontrollably as I finally release him, curling into a ball and holding his chest. I realize that I probably hurt him a little too much. "J-Jimin?"
      "J-just a panic attack. I'll b-be okay in a m-minute." He gasps, clenching his eyes shut and rocking.
      I don't know what to do so I sit against the wall and pull him into my arms, letting his head rest against my leg as his breathing slowly returns to normal after awhile and his body stops shaking.
      His tears soak my leg but I ignore it, running my fingers through his hair to help ease him. "Jimin...I'm so—"
      "It's okay. You're right. I do have problems. I do have an a-addiction. I used to see a therapist...a long time ago. I stopped when I came here because I knew she'd just judge me and look down on me. It was the only choice I had at the time, though." He whispers, sniffling and stuttering.
      "I want to help you."
      "Please...just don't leave me. I know I'm a lot, I know I'm a fuck up and an awful human being b-but I want to change. I don't want to be like this anymore." He cries. " me, Kookie. Help me."
      I feel tears well up in my own eyes. "I'll help you, okay? Just don't lie to me anymore. Don't force yourself on me or anyone else. That's a start. You're worth so much more than that."
      He slowly sits up and hugs me tightly, resting his head on my shoulder. "I love you, Kookie."
      I rub his back, sighing. "I love you, too, Jiminie. We're going to get you help. I promise."

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