Fourty Three

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     "You look troubled."
     I glance up from my plate of kimchi to see both Jimin and Hoseok watching me curiously, concern on their faces.
    I stop playing with my food and sigh. "I'm just...being paranoid, I guess. You know Taehyung just hired some new actors..."
      They nod in unison.
     "Well...I just can't stop thinking about him...sleeping with them."
     "Oh." Hoseok frowns, looking away. "Jungkook, you know he has a business to run, right? I know it sucks but the man has to do his job."
     "But he promised he wouldn't!"
     "Then why are you so worried? Don't you believe in him?" Jimin asks, scarfing down his sandwich.
      I look at him. "Do you?"
      He shrugs. "Taehyung is the type of man to keep his word. It's a little surprising he'd agree to stop doing those parts of his job but I think if he said he wouldn't fuck anyone else then it's safe to assume he won't."
     Hoseok nods. "Taehyung is trustworthy like that and if he does cheat...well, I think he'll be honest and upfront about it."
      That's true. Unfortunately I haven't been able to talk to my boyfriend in four days. After he left my house for his 'auditions' he called me that night to let me know he had a surprise business trip come up. That was the last I spoke to him. He's texted me two times since then and that's it. Hasn't returned one call from me.
      I'm stressing.
     What if he finds one of those new guys better than me? Maybe he did have sex with them and left me. Abandoned me for a lavish trip with one of the new guys...oh god...I'm going to be sick.
     I push my plate away and rush to the bathroom, throwing up the little bit I managed to eat and sit back, groaning. Jimin and Hoseok follow after me but give me space.
     " need more faith in him than this. I know it's hard but..."
     "It is hard. Too hard. I thought maybe I could handle this and knowing what he does but every time I imagine him working around and with hot naked men all day and literally makes me sick. He will give in one day if he hasn't already! Everyone wants him!" I wail, tears filling my eyes. "Tell me I'm wrong!" I demand.
      They remain silent, knowing I'm right. Kim Taehyung is the type of man anyone would covet and want to claim as their own. Would do anything to get his attentions. I lucked out with him and know it.
      I don't want to lose him.
     "Kookie, you're being ridiculous. Sure, Taehyung has fucked all his employees in the past but it was simply testing them out. He's never been interested in anyone really until you came along. That's a huge deal. You need to give yourself more credit."
     I walk over to the sink and wash my face and mouth. "He could do better." Whispering over the water.
      Arms wind around me and I stare at Jimin through the mirror as he holds me, lifting up to rest his chin on my shoulder. "Kookie-Ah...he loves you. We love you. Stop being this way. I'm sure he'll call you tonight and if he doesn't then call him. He's your boyfriend so you should let him know how you feel."
      I look down, nodding. "Fine. Maybe you're right." This isn't good for me. I've been a wreck all week since he left. I know he's busy and has more important issues than me but...I just really want to talk to him.
      "Ready to go?" Hoseok asks, holding the bathroom door open for us.
     We walk out of the little cafe and towards the car. I slump into the backseat while the others get in up front. I stare out the window, lost in thought—
      My eyes widen when I see a familiar tall form walking gracefully into the nicest and most expensive restaurant in the city...a woman on his arm.
      "Stop!" I scream.
     Hoseok slams on the breaks in a panic, looking back at me in shock. "What?!"
      I shakily point back at the restaurant. "Tae...He j-just went in there. With someone." I choke out.
     They share a look and turn the car around. Parking a little distance from the restaurant.
      Jimin leans back and sighs. "Operation stake out the boss." He snickers.
     I sit back and dwell on the situation. Not amused. Maybe she's a business associate. An investor. A f-friend...
      My eyes wander towards the front to see Hoseok softly caressing Jimin's cheek as they talk. A smile on both their faces. I can see the love growing between them and it makes me so happy—in any other circumstance.
      Right now I just want to focus on my own love life. No way he really is cheating...right? and with a woman? I thought was fully gay. He's never mentioned being with or wanting a woman.
     I watch the doors like a fucking crazy person. Two hours. Hardly blinking. I have to know...We sit in the car across the street for two hours before Taehyung finally exits the restaurant—same beautiful woman on his arm.
      They both laugh and smile as he chats her up. Her arm winds around his neck as he caresses her in a strong hug. I can't help but notice his hand slipping her dress up just a bit. Not much but it seems more intimate to me.
      Hoseok and Jimin remain silent and solemn as we watch the couple leave down the street towards the parking garage. I don't speak as they drive me back home.
     I'm glad Jin and Namjoon are gone on a little vacation so they can't see me break down into pieces. I knew this was too good to be true. I just need to be alone.
      Just as I enter my room, my phone goes off. I glance down to see Taehyung finally returning one of my many, many calls. I guess he was just too busy with Her. He's left me with nothing for days.
     Biting my lip, I toss my phone on the nightstand and crawl into bed under my sheets and try to hold it together. I close my eyes and shiver, missing Taehyung's warmth beside me.
      I can't do this. I thought I could but I can't. I can't stand thinking about him this way all the time. The stress and fear is unhealthy. I need to be okay for me. I don't think I can trust him as much as I want to.
I pull a pillow over my head and whimper as the phone continues to ring.
I let them all go to voicemail.

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