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     Taehyung smirks with approval, nodding towards the couch. "Take off your clothes."
I glance down at the couch nervously before hesitantly removing my shirt and kicking off my pants and socks and shoes. I pause at my boxers, glancing up to find him watching me with amusement.
"Go on."
Swallowing hard. I push past my nerves and self doubts and shove my boxers off. Standing proudly—and totally not blushing—naked before him.
He nods in approval, his eyes roaming over every inch of my body. "Get on the couch."
"Casting couch?" I snort.
He shrugs. "Don't worry it gets thoroughly cleaned every time."
Taking a deep breath, I get comfortable on the couch while he begins setting up a camera right in front of me. I frown. "You're recording this?"
He slights me a look. "Of course. For review and experience. If you want to do this you have to get used to being naked and exposed on camera. That's how this works."
Right. Porn. "Fine."
He finishes setting everything up before sitting back at his desk, confusing me. "W-what are you doing?"
He smiles. "Finishing paperwork. Go ahead. Get started. I think for your first time you'd be more comfortable in a solo." He winks.
I flush head to toe. Sex...I can handle but...but actually touching myself and getting off in front of a stranger is...terrifying. Is he doing this on purpose? To test me? Of course he is...
My eyes flicker towards the blinking camera. "Is this live or..."
"No. Strictly for my records. This is how all get hired. All my employees have had to go through this." He shrugs.
I lick my lips. "I thought you said you had sex with them?"
"I do."
"Then why not me?"
"Because you're the first virgin I've had come in here. I'm taking it slow with you. Is that a problem?"
"I don't need special treatment." I argue. "I can do it all."
He chuckles. "Eager, hm?" He nods. "I can respect that. Fine then." He stands up and very slowly begins removing his expensive suit one piece at a time. His eyes never leaving mine.
I lose my breath when he's naked. He's gorgeous. More so than I could have ever imagined. "Like what you see?" He motioned down towards my erection. Shit! That's embarrassing.
I nod. What else can I do? It's the truth.
He stops right in front of me, running a hand through my hair soothingly—deceptively—before jerking me forward towards his body. I moan as my lips touch his abs. Looking up at him I lick his skin, my mouth teasing over his delicious abs, my hands moving around boldly to squeeze his ass.
He watches me with dark eyes, a challenge in them. I trail my lips lower, just barely brushing over his pubic hair before he stops me. His thumb brushing over my bottom lip. "Let's not forget a condom, beautiful." He says, reaching behind me for two.
I frown but he only winks and rolls one onto his hard cock. "You should never trust a stranger to be clean, sweetheart. Let's be safe until we clear all the tests. I realize that you are most definitely clean but this is for your safety. I'll wear one because you don't know me or my test results. Always remember that."
I nod. "T-Thank you."
He lifts my chin up and kisses me, our lips melding together in perfect sync. I moan as his tongue slips inside and owns every inch. My first kiss. It's everything I've dreamed it to be. Maybe without the circumstances but I can ignore that.
He pulls away and nods. "Do whatever you want. I want to see how well you can improvise and take control."
I place my lips back on his abs as my hand grasps his covered cock, stroking it frantically as I move my mouth down to replace my hand. He grunts and tangles his hand in my hair again but this time not stopping me.
I sloppily lick and suck around his head, desperately wanting to taste him. He keeps still as I spend several minutes teasing him, trying to take him as deep as I can but only managing about half.
Finally, he pushes me back and kneels down. He runs his hands up my thighs, forcing them apart. I gasp as his tongue follows the trail of his hands, licking from my inner knee to the inside of my thigh.
I shudder as he meets my gaze. His palm casually begins stroking my throbbing erection. "Such a pretty cock. So hard for me. I think you will do well here. I'm sure I'll have a lot of desperate men wanting their hands on you." He smirks.
I open my mouth but nothing comes out except harsh pants. He licks his lips before palming my sensitive balls. "Mhm. So heavy. Do you need to cum, Jungkook? Do you want me to make you cum for me?"
Sweat begins forming on my skin. I nod. "Y-yes."
As I watch, he gathers up a thick layer of saliva on his tongue and lets it drip down over my balls. His hands slide down lower and spread my cheeks wide and I feel his wet saliva running down between them. I moan.
He hums in approval. "I like your moans. Let's see how loud I can get you, hm?" He pushes his middle finger between his lips and sucks on it before bringing it between my cheeks to rub over my hole.
I jerk. I can't help it. I've never been touched there. It feels weird. Not unpleasant...just weird. I feel vulnerable. My eyes flicker up back to the blinking camera watching us.
I grunt as his finger barely presses inside me. He stops, eyeing me. "So fucking tight. I think I'll tear you apart, beautiful." He teases quietly.
I shiver, my stomach clenching as he pushes in a little more while his mouth moves over my erection, slipping it into his mouth. My moan echoes around us as he begins sucking me. I clench tightly around his finger as pleasure helps block out the sting.
"Hm. More. I want to hear you. Beg me."
"P-please..." I whimper.
"Please what, Jungkook?" He rasps, sucking my cock down his throat effortlessly. I gasp and tightly lock my fingers in his hair, my legs spreading wider as he begins pushing a second finger inside me.
It hurts but my need to cum outweighs my need for him to stop. "Make me c-cum. So close..." I choke out.
He hums around my cock sending powerful vibrations down my shaft and balls. I suck in a lungful of air as my entire body tenses up. "Ughh!! Cumming!" I scream out as my release overpowers me and I shoot ropes of hot cum over his waiting tongue.
My eyes are wide and blurry as he continues to suck me, milking the cum from my body until I'm shaking and jerking, over-sensitized.
He moans deeply, swallowing my cum easily while slowly removing his fingers. I feel hot and wet and sticky but oh god...that was amazing. My ass throbs.
He sits up and wipes his mouth. A slight smile on his handsome face. "That's just the start, sweetheart. I want to see your endurance. I'm just going to warn you, I fuck hard and have a long tolerance. I can go for hours should I need to. You ready for your first test, baby boy?"
I stare into his eyes, still blissfully satisfied and replete. No way am I giving in after going this far. I lick my dry lips. "I can take it."
He smirks. "I hope you're right. I've made many stronger and more experienced men cry and tap out within the first thirty minutes." He grasps my chin and kisses me roughly. "I've always wanted to find my match. Shall we see if you could be the one?"
I kiss him back. "Let's see."

Need Me; Taekook Where stories live. Discover now