Bakugou Tells off Mineta

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The cafeteria was bustling with students, the sounds of clinking bowls and food-stuffed mouths and scraping chairs creating the music of the building. Bakugou sat with his usual lunch crew, his normal expression of disinterest and agitation etched into his young features as ate, only halfway listening to the story Kirishima was telling them.

" was so cool! Ya know? I just have to train harder to get up to their level," he said, shoving a pile of meat into his mouth.

Kaminari pointed at his classmate accusingly. "Dude you train just as hard if not harder than everyone else. Can't let you get ahead that easily!"

Bakugou wasn't paying much attention, his mind wandering elsewhere. The loudness of the cafeteria was often grating; it wasn't that he disliked loud noises, his explosions were louder than anything anyone else could make. It was the cacophony of voices, each one louder than the next, annoying and frivolous and-

What was that?

A voice stood out, his ears picking up the agitating voice of that purple bastard in his class whose name he never bothered remembering.

There it was again...their name. His s/o's name. He could pick it out anywhere. Eyes of fire darted around to pick out where the voice was coming from. When he spotted the pervert Bakugou let out a low growl, snapping Kirishima out of his story.

"Hey man what's wrong? What-" Bakugou stood up from the lunch table making their bowls and glasses clatter as he silently stood up, hands jammed in his pockets as he walked towards the annoyance in his line of sight.

"'ve seen her, right? Oh man (Y/N) is so hot looking...but don't tell-" A loud SLAM echoed across the room, smoke filling Mineta's nostrils as he jumped back nearly falling off his chair.

Bakugou loomed over him like a demon, eyes narrowed and livid. "The fuck you say about my girl you pervert?" His voice was low and dangerous, sparks flitting between his fingers splayed on the table, burn marks marring the clean surface. His jaw was tight, teeth clenched so tightly they might crack from the stress. Mineta sat frozen with fear, eyes bugging out of his head, body trembling. "Answer me when I ask you something, shitface!"

Bakugou grabbed the front of Mineta's uniform, pulling him close so he could view every single wrinkle and brow furrow in Bakugou's face. "N-nothing I didn't say anything I swear I-I'd uh never ever!"

His voice was low, free hand coming up emitting sparks. "You better fucking hope we aren't paired up in training, you won't survive it. I better not hear another nasty word out of you. We clear?" This was a predator threatening his prey, knowing he was stronger and would devour him easily. Mineta nodded furiously before Bakugou dropped him on the floor without so much as a glance back in his direction, ignoring the stares and hushed whispers that followed as he walked back to his lunch table.

Mineta kept his fat mouth shut for the rest of the day, knowing it was the exact wrong thing to talk about Bakugou's girlfriend.


If you enjoy my scenarios, please check out my longer, multi-chapter fics "Tedium in Blue" and "Be Still, Just for Me"! Thank you!

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