Deaf! Reader x Bakugou Fairy Soulmate AU Pt. 2

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"Absolutely cannot BELIEVE this shit!" The slam of Bakugou's bedroom door hardly drowned out his annoyed yelling. He threw himself on his bed and covered his head with his pillow in an attempt to isolate himself.

But the stupidly familiar fluttering of fairy wings beat against the pillow before tiny footsteps pitter-pattered across the fabric. Bakugou groaned before pulling the pillow off his head and throwing it explosively across the room, hoping to rid himself of his annoying companion...but there she fluttered in the air, wise to his anger by now after nearly two weeks stuck with him.

"This soulmate shit is stupid! Why the hell does my soulmate have to be decided for me?! What if I don't even want one? And why, of all people, did it have to be you?!" Ever since he woke up with the little fairy companion of you next to him he'd been in a wretched mood. A couple of his classmates already went through this same thing, but Bakugou always hoped he didn't have a soulmate - that he could choose whoever he wanted, if he wanted anyone at all. He was focused on being the #1 Hero after all, and a partner would just get in the way of that.

He hated when things were out of his control.

His "friends" were no help in the matter, either. Kirishima thought it was pretty awesome and that the fairy was even kind of cute while Kaminari interpreted all of your sign language completely wrong. At this point, Bakugou was going completely off your gestures and lip-reading after a bit of internet research to figure out what the hell you were trying to say at any given moment.

For the first week, he searched the entire damn town for you to get this damn fairy out of his hair. All he had to do was meet up with you again and your fairies would disappear. However, despite his searching and asking around, he had little luck in finding you. Describing you as a "stupid deaf girl who almost got herself run over" didn't exactly help, either.

"I hope my fairy is giving you hell," he said while giving up swatting you away at this point. If nothing else you were just as stubborn as he was. Bakugou's mom told him that fairies couldn't talk, but he figured any fairy iteration of himself could annoy you - wherever the hell you were - close enough.

Truth be told, though? Despite his angry words and vehement denial of wanting a soulmate or anything to do with one, he'd gotten slightly used to having this flying bug around. Even though actual communication was practically impossible you actually got him to laugh once or twice by making dumb faces or acting pissed off at something he did.

If this was really the life he'd eventually be resigned to - and that was a big fat if in his head - then he'd at least have to figure out this whole sign language deal. Couldn't be that difficult, right?

While studying at the library Bakugou finished his homework early and picked up a few books on sign language just for the hell of it. It wasn't as though he was actually interested in it or anything...mostly just curious. It could be useful in Hero missions if he was, for some reason, unable to talk.

While scooting his chair back to put the books back he heard a yelp behind him as his chair hit something - no, someone. "Hey, what where you're...holy hell. It's you!"

You groaned and rubbed the side of your leg where the chair smacked into you before looking up to give whoever didn't look before moving a piece of your mind when you met familiar red eyes.

You looked at the boy whose face you'd grown most familiar with in a small fairy form over the last two weeks before your gaze landed above his shoulder to another fairy who looked suspiciously like yourself. His eyes stared above your head at the spot where your own fairy sat. It had become one of his favorite spots while on your vacation.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Bakugou's yelling immediately attracted the attention of everyone else in the library but no one dared an attempt to kick him out. "Your stupid fairy has been following me around and...shit, you don't know what I'm saying, do you?"

To his surprise, you nodded. "Eh?" You pointed to your lips with a huff. "...Lip reading, huh? I've heard of that."

While the two of you engaged in a frustrated staring contest, the fairies slowly started to fade away now that the two of you were finally reunited until they were no more than fairy dust.

"Alright, well whatever. Here's the deal: I don't need or want a soulmate, got it? No one can tell me what to do or who to be with." Once his words registered in your brain he saw your expression change to one of...hurt? And for one brief moment a pang echoed in his chest, but he furrowed his brows and ignored it.

Bakugou attempted to leave the library but you followed him out with a newfound determination. "The hell? Go away, I've already dealt with your fairy for two weeks, I don't need the real thing!"

You followed him all the way to his house despite his attempts at losing you through back streets and alleyways until the two of you stood face-to-face by his front door. He was about to yell at you some more with his last ounce of sanity when you took out a pen and paper and scribbled something down before tearing it off and shoving the paper in his face. "What's this?"

"At least tell me your name. Mine's (y/n)," the paper said. Bakugou was about to crumple it up when the front door swung open.

"Katsuki, where have you- oh...OH! Is this...? It is, isn't it? Don't give me that look, brat! She's your soulmate, invite her inside, already!" His mother grabbed your wrist and basically dragged you inside the large house while Bakugou stood with his mouth gaping and eyes bugged out at the fact that his mother just invited you inside.

It looked like it would be much harder to get rid of you than he thought.

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