Todoroki Tells off Mineta

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The classroom was mostly quiet with hushed whispers and the shuffling of sleepy feet across the dusty floor tiles while everyone waited for Aizawa to roll in the door in his sleeping bag to get class started.

Todoroki was reviewing the previous class notes with Yaoyorozu since they had a test coming up when he swore he heard his s/o name flit across his ear somewhere in the room. Taking a cursory look around nothing caught his eye until - there - he heard her name again. He turned around towards the voice to see Mineta talking with Kaminari and Sero off in the back of the room, gesturing wildly with that gross look on his face that made Todoroki's insides shrivel up in disgust.

"...I mean you've seen her when she comes by right? Those legs..."

"Bro I dunno if I would-"

"And those slender fingers! Oh man I want (y/n) to just-"

A shadow was suddenly cast over Mineta, looming and ark and extremely cold. It sent a shiver down Mineta's spine, teeth clattering as he looked up to see Todoroki looming over him like a predator eyeing down its prey.

"Were you talking about s/o just now?" Todoroki's voice was low and dangerous, his eyes gleaming and sharp like a knife. Mineta stuttered nearly falling out of his chair with fear.

"Uh n-no way! I wasn't-" He felt cold...extremely cold all of a sudden.

"I strongly suggested you keep your perverse topic of conversations away from her. Or better yet, don't talk about any girls like that. It's unbecoming of a hero." With a swift turn Todoroki returned to his desk, his shoulders still tense as he pulled out his chair with silent force and sat down.

"He will not show mercy if you keep it up, man. I strongly suggest you back down from talking about his girl," Kaminari said, nervously eyeing their stoic classmate from his seat. Mineta nodded enthusiastically, his fingers nearly frozen to the bone.

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