Bakugou comforts Reader who is cheated on, Pt. 2

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As the weeks flew by, so did your demoralizing feelings regarding the breakup with your cheating asshole of an ex-boyfriend.

The first week hurt the most as you adjusted to no longer sending or receiving texts and calls from your ex. Instead, your friends blew up your phone with cute animal pictures and encouraging words. Even Bakugo chipped in with things he knew you'd find funny, even if they weren't things he'd normally send.

You took him up on his offer to blow up all your ex's things sitting in the trashcan.

Your ex tried desperately to call and text you after what happened, and when you blocked his number he had the nerve to come over to your house to try and talk. Neither of your parents let him in, thankfully.

After a month it seemed like he'd finally given up trying to win you back when you obviously weren't interested in doing anything other than leaving him behind. All your friends had your back and supported you and sent reminders on why he was a dick so you wouldn't be tempted to let any good memories overshadow the heartache.

Bakugo latched onto you closer than ever. You knew he wasn't exactly the most social person around, so it was almost cute to see him act so protective of you. He offered to meet you at your favorite park and watch the "stupid ducks or whatever" as he so wonderfully phrased it. He dragged you to the arcade and challenged you to every game there; that was the most you'd laughed and smiled since the breakup, and it felt wonderful.

The more time you spent with Bakugo, the more you started to realize that his friendship could potentially turn into something more.

The thought scared you, honestly. Were you ready to jump back into a relationship so soon? What if Bakugo didn't feel the same way and rejected you? Would you - could you - remain friends after that awkward fiasco? What if he cheated on you, too?

...No, no, he'd never do that. He reacted so aggressively when he found out about your breakup that the idea seemed crazy. Bakugo wasn't like that. He couldn't be...still, you were scared. You couldn't go through heartbreak again, especially not with your best friend who you'd known for years. Keeping him as a friend was best.

While you mulled over budding feelings for Bakugo, he struggled with the idea of when was the right time to confess his own crush. For years he watched you walk a path without him, holding on to someone else, laughing with someone else, smiling up at someone else...and now he had the opportunity to make those things his own.

...But should he? Should he risk fucking up your friendship if you didn't reciprocate his years-long pathetic pining?

"Can't believe I'm acting like such a coward," he whispers to himself in the darkness of his room. He never hesitated on anything, except when it came to you. Always confident, always sure of his decisions. Eventually, exhaustion took over and he drifted off to sleep.

He dreamed of you. Dreamed of how your hand might feel in his rough and calloused palm. Dreamed of tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Dreamed of your breath on his lips. He woke up with a jump before sitting up, eyes glowing in the dark, and sweat pooling at the bottom of his spine.

"Fuck this, I'm not scared," he whispered to no one. A plan...he needed a plan.

A week later you asked Bakugo if he'd want to hang out at the park for a while, that you just needed to get away and enjoy the fresh air. Of course, he agreed.

The weather was nearly perfect: a cool breeze, a soft blue sky, no villains around. You sat on a secluded bench as words rand through your head in a loop. "I just have to be honest, right? We're both tough, we can-"

"Oi!" a gruff voice called out. You looked up to see a familiar silhouette walking towards you. Nerves bubbled up in your chest, but you couldn't back down now. The sun caught in his pale blonde hair like a jagged halo; he looked so handsome. How had you not seen it before?

"Hey, Bakugo." You waved as he stopped in front of you. "Wanna take a walk?"

"That's why we're here, isn't it?" he replied with hand stuffed in his pockets. You stood up and led the way with him close by your side.

The two of you walked in silence for a bit, neither anticipating what the other was planning.



You both spoke at the same time. "Go ahead," you said. "I can see in your eye that you have something on your mind."

Bakugo stopped walking, and you turned around to face him. Still and statue-like, he looked tense but determined. He clicked his tongue before barreling forward. "Yeah, I got somethin' to say. Don't interrupt until I'm done, got it?"

You nodded, and he continued.

"That asshole? Ya know, the asshole supreme? He didn't know what he had, what...who he lost. What a damn idiot. I watched for a long time and kept my mouth shut. Wasn't my place to butt in on something that wasn't my business. But I'm not really the type of guy to just be a bystander all the time. Now he's gone, good riddance. And I..." You watched him swallow an obvious lump, your own throat dry as a bone. "I want...fuck, I'm so bad at this shit! I want-"

"Bakugo," you said, taking a step towards him. "I...I think I get it."

"You interrupted," he said with a scowl you knew was fake. You took another step forward. He didn't move away.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He was never one to turn down a challenge.

"I'm no fuckin' coward."

"Prove it."

And he did when he yanked you forward and smashed his mouth against yours in a kiss that felt rushed and inexperienced and oh so delicious. His lips were terribly dry, but you didn't care.

When he pulled away you saw that his cheeks were the same color as his eyes. You bit your lip, and his eyes followed. "How long have you been wanting to do that?" you asked.

"A long damn time," he answered. "And if you think for a second I'd do anything to-"

"I know you wouldn't." You smiled, and he couldn't help but kiss you again, to taste your happiness. 

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