Bakugou x Reader, angst/comfort

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Silence. The quiet was almost unbearable after so much noise, loud and ringing in his ears, in his chest, bouncing against his ribs until it settled into the hollow space like a chambered symphony of destruction.

The world moved slowly as though slogging through mud and pushing against a powerful gale while he moved - tried to move - normally, but his vision was blurry and his head was filled with static and his palms were disgustingly sweaty despite the chill in the air.

And all he could do was watch as the man he grew up admiring, his Hero, covered in blood and hardly strong enough to stand...go out with a flicker.

All Might was done, the reign of the #1 Hero coming to a close after so many years. I do now? Bakugou asked himself when the dust settled and he was alone after far too long around far too many people. His Hero, his whole reason for dedicating his life to being the absolute best, would never again fight a villain.

Bakugou looked at himself in the mirror of his room, his eyes empty and normally bright and shining irises now dull. He balled his hands into tight fists until his nails dug into the calloused skin of his palm.

"Keep going. Don't stop." That's what he told himself in the darkness. That's what he believed was best.

For days he ignored the pang in his heart whenever he glimpsed the news, or when he overheard someone mentioning All Might, or even when he looked at Deku who he knew, deep down, was hurting just as much as he was. But all Bakugou needed to focus on was himself: on getting stronger, on ignoring the pain, on moving forward to live out his dream. He would be the next All Might no matter what.

You were so worried yet relieved once he returned home after the Kamino incident...but he passed you by like he did everyone else when you knew that no matter how tough and resilient he showed himself to be, that he was aching terribly from the permanent retirement of his idol and mentor.

Finally, almost a week later, Bakugou Katsuki broke.

It fucking hurts. It's my fault. All my fault!

He stared at the words in the textbook as though they were written in an ancient and unreadable language.

I did this. I was too weak.

He almost ripped one of the pages out from how tightly he gripped the book.

All my-

"Katsuki?" Your voice rang in his ears but wasn't loud enough to drown out the one in the back of his head. "Hey, woah, what's wrong? Are you...are you crying?"

His eyes widened when he realized his cheeks were wet. "N-no! I'm not fucking crying!" Bakugou wiped them away angrily and turned so you couldn't see, his anxiety finally bubbling to the surface without him even realizing it.

You hesitated before placing a hand on his arm, but he slapped it away. "Don't touch me, I don't need...I don't need anything!"

"You're so...stubborn! We're supposed to be here for each other, right?!" You nearly screamed in his face after your own stress over him broke free. "Everyone's been worried sick over you, myself included, and you refuse to talk about what happened even though I'm not dumb enough to think you just got over it like it was nothing!"

He sat there stunned at your outburst, staring at the hurt expression on your face. Could he really be a good Hero this way? He's already faced tragedy and felt pain and endured internalized realizations that made him feel as small as a mouse. Could he really keep doing this...forever?

"You don't even have to talk about it...just let it out. It's OK."

His jaw was clenched so tightly it made his teeth ache as his hands trembled, so very tempted to bust down the dam holding everything in.

"You don't have to act like you're OK...we're all human, we feel things, pain included."

I'm not OK.

And then, he broke, the supports falling away as a tidal wave of guilt washed over him like a waterfall. You grabbed his shoulders to steady him as Bakugou pitched forward, his head low and arms limp as he, for the first time, let you support him.

"I've got you." He didn't have to carry himself alone. Not anymore.

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