Bakugou meets Mermaid! Reader

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Bakugou couldn't believe he'd been dragged to this stupid beach by this stupid friends. He could be back on campus training to get stronger, not messing around wasting time.

Kirishima had bugged him to the point where Bakugou was about to punch him square in the face if he didn't shut up about it. Then Kaminari and the others jumped in it, nagging him to come with them on a day trip to relax during a rare weekend without an overload of schoolwork.

It wasn't that he didn't like the beach. On the contrary, he actually enjoyed it more than he enjoyed most places. He far preferred warm weather to cold weather because of how it affected his quirk, and the clean air that drifted in from the ocean wasn't that bad, either. It wasn't as clean and refreshing as mountain air, but it was better than whatever garbage the big factories in the middle of the city spat out into the atmosphere on a daily basis. The main thing he really hated...was the people. They were loud and annoying with little brats running around and crying all the time. Sure, Bakugou was also loud, but he didn't factor himself into the mix of things he'd rather avoid.

Unfortunately, his friends knew him well enough by now that just the act of challenging him to something or claiming he couldn't do something - like Kaminari challenging him in a swimming contest, or Kirishima claiming he was scared of sharks - was a near sure-fire way to immediately start angrily packing a day bag before angrily stalking off with his friends on the way to the train station.

"C'mon, Bakugou. Don't be so grumpy! The weather's good and this is one day where they're letting us leave campus so I wanna take advantage of a chance for new scenery." Kirishima elbowed Bakugou next to him who was trying to focus on the music blasting through his earbuds while the train rattled on and the cityscape slowly transitioned from tall buildings to green countryside until the sparkling ocean came into view ahead of them. He could survive one damn day on the beach. Swimming was good exercise so if nothing else he'd take advantage of working out somewhere new while also kicking Kaminari's ass in the process.

As soon as the train stopped there was a race to see who could get out first, which only caused a pileup in the doorway with so much pushing and shoving.

"Hey, move it!"

"Get your elbow out of my stomach!"

"Ow! Don't kick!"

"HURRY UP, LOSERS!" Bakugou took it upon himself to kick and shove everyone off the train before hopping out himself and stepping over the twitching pile of friends on the ground.

Eventually everyone managed to make it onto the actual beach without incident, setting up towels and umbrellas before running towards the cool, calm water. Even Bakugou followed suit, not wanting to get left behind...and also to prove he was the best swimmer around and he wasn't scared of any damn thing in the ocean.

"I swear to fuck if you zap me I'll explode your head off!" Bakugou threatened while positioned up on Kirishima's shoulders, Kaminari balanced on Sero's while Ashido stood by as official referee on the game of chicken.

"If I use my quirk we're all getting zapped! I'm not that dumb."

But Bakugou just scoffed. "Coulda fooled me. C'MON!"

It took less than ten seconds for Bakugou and Kirishima to topple the competition, but Sero was a dirty cheater who used his quirk to pull them into the water anyway.

Eventually Bakugou grew annoyed with the constant engagement and socializing, even if he'd finally considered them his friends rather than rough acquaintances. If he was only getting one day here, he wanted a little time to himself to enjoy it on his own time.

Pulling away from the group with his towel and a water bottle he stalked across the warm sand towards a more abandoned side of the beach where craggy rocks and rougher waves made the area unappealing to families and those preferring the calmer waters near the road. But Bakugou liked the sound of the ocean and the splashing of the waves on the waterlogged rocks. The noise didn't buzz in his brain like the familiar voices he was growing a little too used to.

"Damn idiots...guess this isn't so bad, though-" He stopped, suddenly feeling eyes on him from somewhere. Even though his quirk wasn't a sensory one Bakugou had sharp eyes and a keen sense of his surroundings. "Who's there?!" A villain waiting in ambush? Some dumb kids playing a game?

A splash off to the side caught his attention, pushing off from one rock then another to make his way even farther into the coastal rocks, hidden away from prying eyes. He wasn't going to let anyone get the jump on him - not again.

"Come out!" he growled, palms sparking as he scanned the water for movement....there! Crouching down he flung his arm down into the water to grab whoever it was watching him. When he grabbed a fistful of something he yanked, pulling up someone attached to the long hair wrapped around his fingers. "Gotcha! Who the fuck are ya, huh? A villain spy?"

But the only answer he got was a powerful slap in the face by a large fish tail which promptly sent him spiraling down into the water as he lost his balance. Luckily his claims of being a good swimmer were true, so he had no problems swimming to the surface to gasp for air and collect his bearings.

"The hell was that...? Where'd they go?!" Looking from side to side he saw nothing, no indication of whoever was just messing with him in the water. Did they have some kind of water quirk? His question was answered when a burst of movement edged into his vision and the person he'd dragged up out of the water hopped out - no, more like flopped out - onto the rocks. They looked angry with weirdly mesmerizing eyes and long hair that wound down their shoulders and back. He was about to yell at them when he caught sight of what had hit him: a large fish tail that was definitely attached to this person. "What...?! You got a tail? Are you like the hero Selkie or somethin'?"

They didn't answer, though, and continued to look down at him from the rocks as he bobbed in the water, too awestruck to pull himself up just yet. As the mysterious person moved closer he was tempted to back away, but Bakugou Katsuki was no coward. It was then he noticed the scales littering their arms and shoulders, the webbing between their fingers, and the visible gills lining their neck and chest. He'd never heard of a Pro Hero like this before, so who the hell was it?

They attempted to reach a hand towards him but Bakugou swatted it away. "Don't touch me, weirdo!" Instead of looking deterred they just seemed more determined to find out about him, nearly as much as he wanted to figure out more information about them. They grabbed his wrist - the grip was strong and their skin was noticeably colder than that of a normal person - and turned his hand around in their grip, analyzing his webless fingers. He easily could have sparked off some of his quirk to scare them off or intimidate them, but bizarre curiosity held him back. Taking their other hand they placed it flat against his palm, their fingers and nails longer than his but similar for the most part.

"This can't be fuckin' can talk, right? So what are you? Did you get hit by a weird quirk?" But they didn't speak at all and instead just looked at him with those sparkling eyes that seemed as deep and mysterious as the ocean itself.

A voice other than his own did break the silence, however, as Bakugou heard Kirishima call out from somewhere behind the spread of tall rocks.

"Hey, Bakugou! Where are ya? We're gonna grab some food!"

Immediately the fish person retreated at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, quickly making their way back into the water. "Hey, hey! Don't run away from me!"

They melded into the water easily before looking at Bakugou one last time and disappearing under the surface. 

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