Demon King! Bakugo x Reader Pt. 2

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The next week trudged along like slow molasses despite the world and people around you moving at a perfectly normal pace. Exhaustion crept up on you day after day as your dreams turned into nightmares once you left the hospital and made your way back home.

No one knew how you ended up hospitalized, only that you were brought there after a coworker found you passed out at work. Doctors found no abnormalities or reasons for the loss of consciousness. The voice in your head stopped during the day, and resumed his demonic raspiness at night.

You dreamed of fire and brimstone, of shadows and monsters, of piercing red eyes staring at you with ravenous and unquenching hunger. Each night this Demon King attempted to steal your soul, and each night you fought back and awoke in a cold sweat.

He called you "Love" more than once, as if he knew you in another life and wanted nothing more than to keep you with him forever. But you were no prisoner, and despite the aching fear of what might happen if he actually accomplished his swore that you'd keep fighting.

Over time you grew familiar with your nightmares until eventually the smell of burnt flesh and the sound of screams no longer caused you to flinch away. You found out King Bakugo loved talking about himself and his domain - which you exploited to bide your time and learn more about him. Through feigned curiosity and honeyed words you let him ramble on about how powerful he was, about how many souls he'd stolen, about how his hunger was never sated. Sometimes you thought he almost enjoyed your company...but at the end of every conversation he would approach you once more in an attempt to devour your soul.

This last time you swore you glimpsed a reflection of regret in those fiery eyes of his right before you were whisked away to wake up in your own bed.

You were exhausted at this point from lack of proper sleep and a mind that wouldn't stop, but you weren't really sure what to do other than power through it. A plan slowly formed and, as they came to you in bits and pieces, you wrote them down.

Eventually you came up with a plan. If it didn't work, might never wake up to try again.

You walked without fear against the rancid smell if blood, your feet warm atop the cracked and boiling rock until you saw the glow of the red gemstone besides the throne of the Demon King.

Back again, I see. Shall we try again?

His voice slithered in your ear like a curious snake seeking out its prey in the darkness. You didn't flinch this time.

Rather than let him bring you up the steep and winding steps, you rose on your own. He smirked at your boldness, welcoming you here into his territory like a lion waiting patiently in the brush.

You licked your lips, chapped and dry from the hot air, and didn't miss the way his eyes followed the movement of your tongue before darting to your face proper. "Tell me, King. What keeps the lowlife below you here from rising up against you?"

He was amused by you, and stroking his ego kept his mouth running. "Weak little thing. They know they could not beat me, even if every stupid beast walking these planes of fire attacked me at once. They would all...fall."

As handsome as he was malicious you came in close, fingers ghosting over his bare chest like smoke. Bakugo was powerful, of course. But he was also a man, and men could be so easily swayed if you pulled the right strings and pushed the right buttons. "Is that so?" you cooed while moving closer until you were practically sitting in his lap.

"So brazen today, as though you want me to devour you," he declared without bothering to hide the hunger in his eyes.

"If you truly wanted me, you could've had me by now," you argued as your nails scraped his searing skin. A growl caught in his throat; you weren't sure if it was in frustration or lust.

"Insolent little-" But you cut him off by lunging forward and shutting him up with a kiss. Your mouth burned and your throat felt like it was on fire, but you didn't pull away. The Demon King gasped before easing into the touch, letting a single moment of vulnerability rear its head.

Perfect, you thought. As the heat gave way to pleasure and you were sure he suspected nothing, you bit down on his tongue and tasted hot iron in your mouth as he yelped.

"You wretch! What are you-" Your hand was around the glowing crystal hovering above his throne before his claws opened gaping wounds in your back.

You screamed at the pain shooting from your hand down your arm and into your belly as though you'd swallowed lava. He tried to pry you from the crystal but even he was burned by your glowing aura.

"What have you done?!" he screamed, but you couldn't hear him over the echo of power surging through you. Intoxicatingly delicious you drank it like in like sweet wine until you could swallow no more.

You turned to Bakugo seething with anger below you, and for the first time since your nightmares...he looked afraid.

"I will be your toy no longer. Every King needs a Queen, after all," you explained with surprising calm while stepping down and taking your new place upon his throne. He was unseated, and you were in control.

He tried to lunge, but with a snap of your fingers he fell to his knees, unable to move. "You look good this way, like a dog begging to be set free. So many sleepless revenge will be delicious."

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