Pro Hero Bakugo goes on a date for charity

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This was so fuckin' stupid. So damn stupid. Absolutely the worst thing he could have possibly agreed to, all thanks to his agent in charge of publicity and public appearances. "It'll look good to the average citizens" and "you'll pull in money for a good cause" she said. Still stupid.

Bakugo stood awkwardly on the stage while the guy at the pulpit pointed out bidders sitting in the seats below. He didn't realize the price would rise as quickly as it did. Was he really so in demand for, what, a plutonic hangout for a few hours? Sure, he was a top Pro Hero who was also incredibly popular, but he rarely interacted directly with fans or the media and instead focused on the actual ass-kicking part of being a hero. People like Kirishima and Deku were far more personable and seemed suited towards this type of social charity work...but he'd be damned if he let them get all the attention. He'd raise the most money of any of them, dammit!

"Going....going...sold! Well, not sold, but you all know what I mean!" the announcer yelled over the crowd, bringing Bakugo's attention back to what was actually happening. Looking up at the final amount he actually felt pretty good that 1. he raised money for a good cause by standing here doing nothing (for now) and 2. that price was the highest price he could recall so far from these events. He smirked thinking about rubbing it in Deku's face. "The outing goes to the individual in the back, number 47!"

Bakugo looked over towards the pointing finger to see the winner holding up their sign. They didn't look weird or creepy, at least. If he could beat the hell out of villains, he could handle being social for one day.

After the event he went backstage to wait for the event to clear out and for the winner to meet him briefly. He had other things to do today, so he wanted to make this quick. Tapping his foot on the ground he turned when a voice called his hero name from behind.

"Ground Zero? Ah, yes, hello! I guess I, uh, won. Didn't expect that, honestly." Looking you up and down quickly Bakugo found it difficult to gauge your intent from your demeanor. You seemed pleasant enough, and he got no weirdly obsessive hyperfan vibes from you, which was a relief. "You're my favorite hero, you know. Not to be weird, or anything! How you utilize your quirk is really amazing, honestly. But I don't have to tell you something you already know."

A bit awkward, but he'd dealt with worse. "Yeah, I'm great, I know. Here," he said, pulling out a card from his wallet. "Contact my agent and we'll work something out around my patrol schedule." He wasn't about to give a total stranger his personal phone number, no way. But, shit- OK, remember to be somewhat personable. "Your name is...?"

Taking the card you smiled at him. "Thanks. It's (y/n). Well, I'm sure you're busy, so I won't keep you. Have a good rest of the day!" With a wave you walked off, though he didn't miss the skip in your step as you pocketed the business card.

The next day...

"They wanna what?" Bakugo asked, standing in front of his agent's desk while still in uniform after his daily patrol.

"Hiking or mountain climbing, something of that nature. Outdoorsy stuff. I thought you liked that?" Bakugo clicked his tongue.

"Yeah, I do. But no one knows I like that shit outside of people who actually know me. You sure this isn't some weirdo stalker fan?"

She shook her head. "We did a preliminary background check for safety, nothing popped up. Also, people like the same things, you know." He was tired, and didn't want to put up with her sass today.

"Whatever. When do I get this over with?" She searched through the calendar on her computer to check his schedule in addition to the schedule the winner provided.

"You don't patrol on Sunday...does that work?" He grumbled, and she knew that meant "yes" in Ground Zero language. "Perfect! I'll let them know. Remember, don't do or say anything that could be bad for your image-"

"I'm not dumb, I know that!" One day, just one day of this. "Text me where to go and what time. I'm going home." With a tired sigh he left her office to change into some civilian clothes, ready to eat dinner and go the fuck to sleep.

The weather was nice with a light breeze as Bakugo stood outside the entrance to the hiking trail specified in the text. He'd been here a couple times before, so he at least knew a bit about the area. With a water bottle in one hand and a light pack slung over his other shoulder, he waited.

"Ground Zero!" Once again he turned around see you, the winner, coming towards him with a pack of your own on your back. "Sorry, sorry I got distracted. OK I'm ready now let's go!" The energy now seemed quite different than when he first met you at the event; he wasn't sure if the excitement was for the hike, hanging out with him, or both.

Bakugo wasn't exactly a master conversationalist, but you just asked non-intrusive questions about his hero work and personal life, which he could answer easily enough.

"I know hiking was probably a weird thing to pick, but when the weather's nice I prefer being outdoors than stuck inside, honestly."

Bakugo just shrugged his shoulders. "I've been on this trail before, and others around the area. It's good to have a change of scenery outside a gym where I can train or practice." You looked at him with bugged eyes, which answered the question of whether or not you already knew he enjoyed hiking.

"No way! Coincidence, huh?" you said, red eyes watching you take in the tall trees and crisp air. Maybe it was being outside and not stuck in the city or or in an office that eased his former annoyance with this whole situation. Yeah, that had to be it.

Hiking was usually an all-day affair, so he wasn't the only one who came prepared with food. "I brought enough for both of us, but I dunno what you like so...hope it's not shit," you joked, handing him a bento. Bakugo liked spicy food, but otherwise wasn't super picky. Opening up the lid everything inside looked decent enough. Popping a bite into his mouth a surprising burst of flavor hit his tongue. Not bad.

Eventually - after several climbing excursions and exploring one of the other trails, the two of you arrived back at the trail entrance. Bakugo was ready to head home, but he couldn't deny the day wasn't terrible.

"Well, I guess this is it, then," you said, looking towards the train station. "Thanks for agreeing to come out. Hopefully you weren't too bored or anything, I know this isn't as exciting as hero work."

Bakugo hummed, also looking towards the train station. "It's for a good cause." That was the whole purpose behind all this, right? Charity, giving back, blah blah blah. "Of course I enjoy hero work, I'm damn good at it. But everyone needs a break, right?"

"Right, definitely. Well I- oh. Uh, are you riding back on the train?" He nodded. "Wanna just...walk to the station? Rather than walk at slightly different paces and meet there awkwardly in five minutes?"

That actually made him snicker, but only a bit. "Hurry up, it arrives in four." With that the two of you jogged towards the station.

Today wasn't all that bad. Yeah, not bad at all. 

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