Todoroki with Crush who has hanahaki disease

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The restroom tiles were like ice on your knees, uncaring and without give as you knelt over the toilet hoping no one walked in, petals falling from your burning throat into the water like lily pads on a pond. Your eyes watered painfully feeling the last petal leave your tongue and flutter down, hands gripping tightly to the porcelain, hoping beyond hope that no one walked into the bathroom to find you.

It was increasingly difficult seeing him around her, but also unavoidable since everyone was in the same classes. You'd tear your eyes away whenever he talked with her, even if it was just asking a simple question about the homework. You'd feel the prickle of petals in your throat if you stared a little too long, thought a little too hard, and felt a little too deeply. So, you didn't.

And eventually, he noticed.

You avoided him whenever possible, though gave him no explanation as to why leaving him to wonder if he'd offended you or made you upset at some point. No one else had an answer when he asked, either. You kept your secret to the confines of your room, the wastebasket hidden under your desk filled with tissues and dried petals.

"(y/n). Are you alright?" Todoroki's voice brought you out of yet another distracting daydream before class started. The lack of sleep from coughing was starting to show in your performance and on your face. "You look really tired, did you not sleep well?"

It felt like you were swallowing syrup as you talked. "Oh, oh yeah I'm fine! Don't worry about me. Just had trouble falling asleep is all. I'll uh, take a nap later after class." He looked at you skeptically, but you hoped he'd leave you alone as you felt the familiar tickle in your chest.

"Can after school? Sorry, I know you're tired...but I need to ask you something. Hopefully, it won't take long."

The tug of war in your brain told you to deny him the talk, while your heart held the other end. Your mouth spoke before the rope moved past the centerline. "Yeah, sure. We can talk."

He nodded with a smile before sitting down at his own desk, though you honestly felt like running to the toilet at the prospect of being alone with him.

The day sped by far too quickly, and you knew the game was up, unable to avoid him any longer as he cornered you after class.

"Ready? We can talk outside." He didn't wait for you to answer before he started walking. You followed, head hung low as you caught sight of Momo out of the corner of your eye, quickly turning away as she silently watched Todoroki lead you out of the school.

He finally stopped at the side of the building, away from groups of students heading back to the dorms before turning on you abruptly. "Do you hate me?" he asked.

You couldn't help the gasp that escaped your parted lips "W-what? No! I don't hate you."

"So why have you been avoiding me? Did I say something to make you mad?" He was never one to tiptoe with his words, choosing the most direct approach to get the information he wanted.

"No, you didn't. I'm not...mad," you hesitated, knowing "mad" was not the correct word to you. It didn't escape Todoroki.

"What are you then?" His look softened and you had to glance away, feeling the creeping whisper of petals in your throat as he spoke. As he reached out towards you - a hand to comfort, no doubt - you backed away before doubling over, hands over your mouth. But it was too late.

A single petal swam through the air to the ground, your eyes watery knowing your secret was revealed.

"You have...? Oh," was all Todoroki said. "But who-"

"It's you, OK?!" you screamed, spitting another bitter petal out of your mouth. "You're the reason. But you're with her and-"

Todoroki looked at you with a confused expression. "With who?"

You wiped the spit from your mouth on the back of your hand, standing up to look him in the eyes you often dreamed of. "With Yaoyorozu. You love her, right?"

It took a moment to register your words, but after what felt like an eternity to you he shook his head. "No...that's not true. I that why..?" He bent down to pick up one of the petals, twirling it between his fingers. "You should have told me."

" don't like her?"

"We're just friends, she's the top student in our class. She's a good tutor. So you've been avoiding me because you assumed I didn't like you?" He stepped closer, cupping the back of your head in his hand - slightly cool to the touch - and pulled you into his shoulder. "Maybe I should have said something earlier, I'm not very good with this stuff though."

Your fingers clawed at his school uniform, feeling the diminishing sensation of petals in your chest until, at last, you could breathe in the smell of him.

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