Fantasy! Bakugou x Servant Pt. 2

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Weeks passed by and not a single whisper was uttered openly of the secret relationship with your king. Bakugou was private, and it wasn't anyone else's business who he was involved with, anyway. You continued your assistant roles normally: announcing when there were guests, leading him when food was ready, sitting in on agonizingly boring meetings about taxes or future war plans in the case of a surprise attack or invasion.

The only hint at something outside routine normalcy was an outstretched hand that gripped yours tightly as you silently stepped through the threshold to his chambers in the darkest of nights with only the moon illuminating your steps through familiar hallways. You were always back in your own room before morning despite the tug in your heart wishing to wake up to the smell of burnt caramel and firewood.

One day, as you made your way through the halls of the castle while your king was away for the day on personal matters, someone bumped into you nearly causing you to drop the stack of papers in your arms.

"Oh, my apologies-"

"No, no! It's all my fault...let me help you with those," the man who bumped into you said as he bent down to gather up your items. You'd seen him around the castle before: Shindo Yo, one of the higher ranking generals who typically kept watch over things while Bakugou wasn't around.

"Ah, thank you," you said, taking the papers from him...though his grip didn't waver. Looking into his eyes they were stern and alight with something mischievous. You frowned slightly at his expression as you ripped the papers from him, though he seemed almost amused.

He grabbed your arm as you passed making you jump. "You aren't as inconspicuous as you assume...I suggest you watch your back, hmm?" Before you could reply he stalked off down the hallway whistling a joyful tune as a single bead of sweat ran down your neck.

"Does he know...?" you whispered to yourself before gaining back your composure and continuing on your way.

When Bakugou returned he was in a particularly bad mood, growling under his breath at the incompetency of those around him. You stood patiently by the throne to greet him letting the corners of your mouth tug into a soft smile...until you noticed Shindo from the corner of your eye, watching from around a corner at the far end of the main hall. You replaced the smile with a mask.

"Agh! Idiots, every single one..." Bakugou growled as he stormed towards you. While most in his company feared the wrath of his anger, you stood firm.

"Welcome back, my King," you said formally, bowing as he neared. With a snap of his fingers he silently ordered you to follow him, tossing away everyone else in favor of your company. You did not dare look in Shindo's direction as you straightened and followed Bakugou through the large doors into his now-familiar bedchamber.

Guards stood outside during the day, which meant an exchange of words must be hushed or silently conveyed through paper or touch. He slammed the door shut with a grunt after you entered.

"I'm guessing things went sour?" you asked, already knowing the answer.

"Morons wanting more without offering something in exchange. We see possible war on the horizon with the neighboring kingdom; they're restless, and I'll be damned if we're caught off guard." As agitated as he often was, having you by his side was calming, his ruby eyes softening the smallest bit knowing the secret shared between you.

With one glance towards the closed door he quickly pulled you into a searing kiss saying all the words he dared not speak openly: I missed you, I want you, you're mine and mine alone.

He smirked when the kiss was broken, but dropped the expression seeing your face. "What's that look for?"

You were hesitant to talk, so placing a finger upon his lips you walked to his desk and scribbled out something quickly on a scrap of parchment before handing it over for him to read. Bakugou snatched it out of your hand and read over it, a livid scowl marring the features you'd seen softened and relaxed under the guise of moonlight and silk bedsheets.

"A threat?!" he yelled, not bothering to keep his voice down. "I knew hiring that rat was a mistake. Fuck it, come on (y/n)!" Grabbing your wrist he threw open the bedroom door and startled everyone by marching straight back to the throne room with a murderous look on his face, pulling you along behind him.

"What are you-"

"We're taking care of this is what we're doing," was all he said as he stopped before the throne, looking for the familiar mop of messy black hair and eyes that hid his true intentions.

Shindo carried a newly drawn map under his arm as he passed by the room. "You! Shindo!" Bakugou yelled, stopping every movement in the entire room and gaining Shindo's attention as he turned his head slowly to look at his King.

"Yes, my King?"

"Fuck you! Also, get the hell out of my castle! And one more thing," he said with a devious smirk. Bakugou grabbed you by the shoulders and promptly kissed the breath out of you in front of half the castle staff. The clang of a dropped pot and crash of a shattered dish broke through mutterings and gasps as people watched their King lock lips with you, his assistant.

You weren't of nobility, you had no money outside of your own pay, and everyone saw you as nothing more than a silent and obedient listener. Bakugou knew better, though. He also didn't care.

When he finally broke the kiss a smug grin of satisfaction lit up his face as your knees almost gave out. He looked Shindo dead in the eye across the room - Shindo looked livid, nearly tearing the rolled up parchment under his arm - and said "Get out of my sight."

While it came as a shock to the entire castle, most everyone accepted it without question after some time. If their King was content with falling in love with someone like you, then they knew the kingdom was in good hands.

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