Pro Hero Bakugou goes on a date for charity, pt 2

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Bakugo drummed his fingers on the polished wood of the desk that sat in his office at the hero agency. Slated to go on patrol today, he waited impatiently around for the hero on the previous shift to get back so he could get out on the streets and stop sitting around doing nothing. He needed a distraction, something to keep his mind occupied...well, with something other than them, at least.

Ever since he went on that hiking trip with the person who won the "date" with him for charity, he couldn't get them out of his mind for some infuriating reason. It shouldn't have been anything special or memorable - just a deal to get some positive publicity and improve his public image. The issue remained that he'd actually enjoyed himself more than he anticipated. He'd been back to the trail once since then, and found himself surprisingly bored with no one to talk to, despite normally enjoying the alone time away from the city, paparazzi, and loud fans.

"The fuck is wrong with me," he muttered under his breath before he watched another hero, still in uniform, pass by the hallway to clock out. "About time." Without wasting another moment Bakugo, now Ground Zero, changed into his own hero outfit, walked outside, and headed towards his own patrol area for the day.

Since he was a top hero people recognized him immediately. Though the bombardment of fans sometimes annoyed him, he tried to spare a minute to sign merch or take the occasional photo. The looks in the eyes of kids who saw him as inspiration for their own future heroic journeys made the encounters worthwhile.

While walking down a fairly boring intersection the sound of sirens nearby caught his attention right before a call went out on his earpiece. "Finally, I was getting bored."

It took little time to round a couple of corners and immediately spot the threat: ordinary-looking villains, some flying money, yelling, civilians nearby, etc. He scanned the scene to assess the situation and determine a course of action.

Never one for subtleties, Ground Zero barreled forward without hesitation. "HEY, MORONS! BAD DAY TO BE ASSHOLES!" he yelled, using his quirk to propel him forward, catching the attention of both villains and passerby alike.

"Shit, shit! I thought you said he wasn't paroling today?!" one of them asked frantically.

"Uh, bad intel?" was the only response uttered before he got an explosive fist to the face.

He needed to keep explosions to a minimum with civilians and buildings nearby. Ready to put down the next villain in line he heard a yell to his left and, looking quickly, saw another villain about to come down on someone backed up against a building.

Cursing under his breath he flew forward, grabbing the victim in one arm while blasting the villain with the other before running with them in his arms to a safer area out of the way.

"Oi, you hurt?" he asked before setting them down. It was only then he noticed the familiar features smeared with a bit of dust and dirt. "You-"

Without thinking you wrapped your arms around his shoulders in honest appreciation, making Bakugo stiffen immediately. The last person he'd expected to see again so soon was the person who was just on his mind an hour earlier. "Holy shit you saved me I was just going back to work from lunch and-"

"Later, stay here. Won't take long," he managed to grind out while gently pushing you off him, glancing over his shoulder for good measure before rushing back out onto the street.

You did as you were told, sticking close to the wall even though you were tempted to peek out and see what was happening. After a few minutes, the explosions and yelps quieted down, but you remained where you were, afraid to go against his orders. Sure enough, a silhouette topped with familiar spiked hair entered into the alley.

You ran up to him but stopped short when you saw his worn-out state. Ground Zero didn't look too worse for wear, but some bits of his outfit were torn and he had a gash on his right cheek. "Are you OK? Are paramedics on their way?"

He waved a hand flippantly in the air, scoffing with a signature smirk. "That was nothin'. Asshole caught me by surprise, is all." The intense look in your eyes made him immediately aware of how close you'd gotten. "Let me-"

You cut him off, bowing deeply while he stepped back in surprise. "Ground Zero, you saved me. I always knew you were a great hero, but now I see it first hand." Standing up straight you put forward a bold idea. "As gratitude please let me take you out to lunch or something. Or! Uhm...maybe..." Stopping short you realized how that sounded once the words left your mouth, though you weren't exactly sorry you said them.

Bakugo was glad for the darkness of the alley because he swore his face felt warmer than normal. "Just...get to the damn medical professionals! C'mon!" he blurted while grabbing your wrist and pulling you out to the main street. "You have my agent's number," he said in a low voice, hoping you'd pick up on the silently laced message while the two of you walked towards blaring sirens and awaiting paramedics.

Getting attacked by villains certainly wasn't in your agenda today...but worse things could've happened, all things considered.

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