Kaminari w/ male s/o who gets shocked

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Kaminari always prided himself on his confidence with romance. He read all the magazines, took all the online quizzes, and definitely ticked off all the "ideal partner" stats on the blogs he stalked.

...Too bad putting most of those things into practice was much more difficult than he anticipated.

He always felt like he acted like more of a moron than usual around you while trying desperately to look the exact opposite of stupid. His hands always felt oddly sweaty at the exact moment you wanted to hold them, or he'd say the first thing that popped into his brain during a conversation that made no sense whatsoever.

"Where do you wanna eat?"

"Snakes," Kaminari replied


And so it went often enough where Kaminari began wondering why in the world you were with him. "I always thought I'd be out of everyone else's league...but he's way out of my league! Life is tragic, Alexa play Despacito."

When you asked Kaminari to hang out with you on Saturday he silently wondered if this was the day you'd finally break up with him even though you'd given him no signs whatsoever that you were going to do any such thing.

The two of you decided to meet up at the movies and then head to eat someplace nearby afterwards. "OK, so, I know you're not super into scary movies, but there's this new one out that I really wanna see," you begged, hoping Kaminari would give in just this once.

Paranoia took hold, prompting him to agree without much debate. After the two of you sat down with drinks and snacks you chatted with him during the boring previews. You promised to hold his hand if Kaminari got scared, even though you could tell he tried to put up a brave front.

"I'll be fiiiiiine....probably."

"We can go see whatever you want next time. Deal?" You thought he looked so handsome under the dim theater lights.

"Aha, yeah, deal." Kaminari still looked stressed, but you just assumed it was because of the movie and not the inner turmoil rocking inside his head.

Once the movie started Kaminari sunk all the way down into his seat, already anticipating the worst. For the first half hour, nothing remotely disturbing happened. There were even some funny moments that made him laugh!

It only took one scene, though, for him to screech...and in doing so, accidentally shocking the absolute shit out of you with his quirk.

Most of the people in the theater stared up at the two of you with angry glares at disturbing the movie. It wasn't the first time he'd accidentally shocked you, but you did smell a bit of singed hair this time.

"Oh, shit! I'm...shit, I'm so stupid!" Before you could do anything Kaminari ran out of the theater in an embarrassed panic. You abandoned your snacks and followed him out, coughing a bit of smoke up along the way.

"Hey, wait! Denki!" You saw him run into the bathroom and managed to grab his wrist before he locked himself in a stall. "Denki, it's not that bad, I promise-"

The look on his face, though, told you something else was definitely wrong.

"Why are you with me?" he asked suddenly. "I just feel so dumb all the time and say dumb junk and act like a moron and now I ruined the movie and-"

"Woah, woah! Where'd all this come from?" Someone walked into the bathroom, glanced at the two of you, and walked into a stall awkwardly. "I'm with you because I like you, Denki. You're not dumb - you're smarter than you give yourself credit for. And I was prepared to get shocked when we started dating. Seemed like an inevitability, honestly. As long as you don't, like, give me all the volts you have I'm fine. I swear!"

He didn't look convinced but at least the tension in his shoulders eased. "...Really? I mean I know I'm a great catch but sometimes it's hard convincing myself," he attempted to joke.

"Yes, I swear. We don't have to keep watching the movie if you don't wanna, but-"

"I'll just close my eyes during the spooky parts. Deal?"

"Yeah, deal," you said while kissing him on the cheek.

A sniffle echoed from the occupied bathroom stall. "So cute..."

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