Modern! Bakugou meets Fantasy! s/o

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"C'mon, hurry up!" Bakugou shouted back from up ahead on the hiking trail. He'd been waiting to take a hike like this for weeks, to get outside and smell the fresh pine air of the forest, to bask in the silence away from the city, and to, what he originally hoped, could he a half-decent date with you.

Too bad you had a family emergency to take care of and couldn't come, but he wasn't about to squander his plans and could come with you another time. So, he did the next best thing and invited-

"I'm coming!" Kirishima jogged up the trail to catch up with Bakugou, a backpack draped across his shoulders and water bottle in his hand. "Hey, man, thanks for inviting me out today! I've been wanting to go hiking for a while myself, and-"

Bakugou growled under his breath as Kirishima kept talking. All he truly wanted was a bit of silent company, plus he knew how stupid it was to go out this far in the middle of the woods by yourself. Not that he couldn't defeat any animal or villain that happened to pop up, but he did trust Kirishima to have his back, at least.

After a while, they decided to stop for a short rest before continuing up the rest of the hike. The forest became darker and denser the farther up they rose, as though it was untouched by human intervention outside of the dusty path they followed.

"Hand me the water," Bakugou ordered as he leaned against a tree. When Kirishima didn't immediately comply Bakugou cut his eyes suspiciously towards his friend who was avoiding his stare. "Well?"

"Hah, uh, ya see..." Kirishima took off his backpack and produced a larger water bottle...that had about two sips of water left in the bottom. "I didn't realize I drank so much."

Bakugou stared at the bottle, then at Kirishima before his palms started sparking. "You drank all the water?! You moron, we could get dehydrated up here!"

"Sorry!" Kirishima held up his hands defensively, activating his quirk for good measure. "I bet we could find a stream or something nearby to refill the bottles. Count on me!"

Bakugou groaned from thirst but decided to give Kirishima a chance to redeem himself before he took matters into his own hands and blasted himself above the treeline to find water...or grabbed Kirishima and dragged him back down the mountain, whichever came first.

He was about to project his voice all throughout the forest in frustration when Kirishima shouted up ahead. "Hey! Found something! Note quite a stream, but it might work?"

"Moron, this better be good," Bakugou grumbled as he walked up the hill to see the back of Kirishima's bright red head leaning over...a well? "You serious? Thisis what you find? We're heading back-"

"Wait! I think there might be water in it?" Kirishima jogged over and grabbed Bakugou's arm to drag him over to the well. "We gotta find water, right? This is the best solution we have."

Yanking his arm away with a snarl Bakugou looked down the well and saw nothing but darkness. It did smell a bit damp, though. "I bet it's dried up, we haven't had rain for like a week. And there's not even a bucket so what the hell do you expect us to do, smartass?"

Kirishima stared at him blankly before slowly turning back to the well. "I, uh...didn't get that far..."

Bakugou's palms sparked before he resigned to doing the only thing he could do: solve this stupid problem himself. He slid off his backpack, took out the empty water bottle, and hopped up on the side of the well while Kirishima looked nervous, then excited. They were both daredevils at heart and neither could openly deny it. "You fucking owe me big time," Bakugou grunted before hopping down into the well without hesitation, using his quirk to slow his descent into the darkness.

The hell? This is way deeper than I thought it'd be, he thought as he fell farther and farther down...until eventually, he felt himself being sucked in as though a vacuum were pulling at his feet. Bakugou blasted his quirk, desperately trying to propel himself back towards the well's entrance, but the darkness gripped at him like chains. He yelled, but his words were lost in his throat as the light from the top of the well receded until he could see it no more.

The stone was cold and damp as Bakugou slowly and groggily woke up, his eyes fluttering open to see nothing but darkness. "What...where the hell am I?" He sat up and rubbed the back of his head before using his quirk to light up the area.

Nothing but old and worn-down stone in front of him, moss-covered and crawling with the occasional worm. "Disgusting..." He looked up to see a speck of light far above his head that he assumed was the top of the well. "Must've gotten disoriented or something...KIRISHIMA YOU IDIOT YOU BETTER FIND A FUCKING RIVER WHEN I GET UP THERE!"

Using his quirk Bakugou propelled himself with a loud and large explosion to the top of the well, pulling himself up over the edge. "KIRISHIMA, WH-...what...?"

Hopping down onto the ground Bakugou looked around with a bizarre sense of confusion. The trees looked...different? And his bag was gone, and Kirishima, too? "Hello? If you just left me here I'll kill you!"

A sense of panic started to set in when no one answered back...until-

"Bakugou? What are you wearing?" A familiar voice came out from beyond the trees, prompting Bakugou to turn around. It But it wasn't you?! Your hair was different, and you were cosplaying or something?

"Me? What the hell are you wearing? Don't tell me you got into that LARP thing Kaminari started talking about. And what are you doing up here? I thought you had some family thing going on."

The two of you shared a distinct look of confusion before your eyes landed on the well behind him. "What are you doing by the ancient well?"

Bakugou looked back at the empty well, then back at you with a distinct sense that something was very wrong. Before he could speak, a disturbingly familiar voice came in from the other side of the trees.

"Oi, (y/n)! We need to get back to town-"

Walking into the clearing was a man with pale blonde hair and red eyes, deep red cape trailing behind him like fire.

Red eyes met red eyes while you stood off to the side with bated breath. "Two...there are...two Bakugous?"

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