Fantasy! Bakugou x Servant Pt. 1

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Despite the large expansive castle being constantly filled with bustling servants and guests, it always felt slightly empty for Bakugou, many rooms on many floors dusty with little use. King Bakugou wasn't exactly a stickler for making sure every corner was scrubbed clean; why waste the time when there were more rooms than he could ever use?

Today he sat on the throne, the familiar look of annoyance etched into his handsome features as he waited to be called for lunch, fingers drumming on the delicately carved wood.

He clicked his tongue impatiently. "Tch, fools better hurry it up I'm hungry as hell." As if on cue, you appeared from a side entrance and stopped before the King, bowing low before speaking.

"Your Highness, lunch is prepared and ready for you."

With a grunt he kicked himself up from the over-sized chair before descending the short staircase down to the main floor level. "Well get a move on then!" He bit out before you straightened up and led him towards a set of doors.

You were never sure why, but you were the only allowed to give him announcements and lead him to wherever he needed to go within the large castle.

To be honest Bakugou wasn't sure why himself. Everyone was so stuck up, so prim and proper, so frightened of him that they just felt like annoying pebbles in his way, staying for the promise of fair pay and a place to sleep...but you were different. His brash attitude and gravely voice didn't scare you off - he could see it behind your eyes, taking it almost as a challenge. You didn't try to correct his more barbaric behavior or rude actions. He was who he was and that was that.

You stood by as he ate, tearing meat off bones and shoving bread into his mouth before washing it down with a goblet of bitter red wine. He rarely spoke when he ate, and he always ate alone, so it seemed like a privilege that you were allowed to stand by, even if it was just as an assistant.

As the months rolled passed, various suitors appeared at his door to try for his hand in marriage. Of course, no one really wanted to wed him - it was strictly a power play for his property, power, and expansive reach over his kingdom. And he knew it, which was why he rudely dismissed every single one that showed up, tossing aside their gifts of gold and jewels like rubbish.

"Get out of my sight!" Bakugou growled to yet another potential suitor, this one traveling weeks just to reach him and present him with a chest of jewels. "I don't care about this shit, the hell do I need more gold for?!"

"You heard our King, remove yourselves at once!" you ordered, several guards coming in and escorting the fuming suitor and their entourage out of the castle. You weren't sure why, but every time someone came to ask for Bakugou's hand in marriage, it made your stomach curl into knots.

"Tch, absolute garbage, every single one..." Bakugou scoffed as he walked down from the throne, beautiful cape billowing behind him clashing with the agitated scowl on his face. As he passed you he snapped his fingers, signaling for you to follow. You did.

He walked silently down multiple hallways, several guards and servants bowing as he walked by until he made it to his massive bedroom. You stepped in behind him before he slammed the door shut and made his way to the large window overlooking his kingdom, arms crossed and shoulders tense. You waited for him to speak.

"Tell me, (y/n). Why do they insist on continuing this game? They think I'm just gonna marry whoever presents to me the most jewels, or the most attractive of them, or the one with the most land? Pointless...they don't know me at all so why do they bother..."

You chose your words carefully before speaking. "To be honest, my King, they envy you I assume. They want what you have: power, glory, the resolve to conquer anyone and everyone in your path...but they don't want you, for they do not know you...they only know what they hear through fireside chatter and rumors. They are fools."

For a while Bakugou did not move from his spot, stoic as dust particles danced in the light beams streaming in from the large window...until he turned to meet your gaze, red eyes staring right through you.

"And what of you, huh? Why do you stick around despite knowing how I really am? Do you stay for a warm bed and shelter? For intimate knowledge of my kingdom's workings?"

"I stay..." you hesitated, eyes steady against his red pupils. "Because how you think you are, how others think you are, is not how you really are. You call yourself cruel, and maybe the things you did to reach your current position weren't exactly noble...but you are not bad. Not at all. You are my King, and I am loyal to you because I see you as you truly are."

Slowly Bakugou made his way across the bedroom, eyes never leaving yours, stopping just shy of stepping on your toes. "Is that so? And what do you see?" A hand came up to lightly brush invisible dirt off your shoulder.

Though your nerves were firing rapidly, something stirred in your heart to urge you on. "I see someone who is brutally honest, and strong, not just of body but of spirit and mind. Someone who knows what he wants and will fight for it at all costs."

"And you think I want?" His words were slow and heavy on his tongue as if dripping through a pool of syrup. Your hands folded behind your back fidgeted, glad he could not see your sweaty palms.

"I-I cannot say, my King. Only you know that." Ruby eyes smoldering like a pit of fire almost swallowed you whole as he leaned forward, breath hot against your ear.

"I turn the idiots away, every single one...because they are not you."

No gold in all the kingdoms could equate to the worth of your King's affections. You had nothing to give him but honesty and trust, and he accepted both greedily and without regret. 

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