Platonic Midoriya x Ghost! Reader

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Silence. Always silence. No furniture, no people, no food. Just empty space settled with dust in the place you called 'home' if you could truly call it that.

You couldn't leave the uninhabited apartment so it felt more like a prison than anything else. The farthest you could travel was the windows to longingly peer out at the people below, or watch the rain drizzle down, or listen to the laughter of strangers who didn't even know you existed.

The life of an apparition was truly a lonely one.

Until, one day, a guest moved in.

You called them "guest" because the apartment was truly your space and not his. Several decades had passed since you'd arrived and try as you might to make friends with the people who moved in, they always moved out not long after. Claims of ghost activity just made the property manager scoff, so he never looked into it and tried to pass off the apartment at a low rate to whoever came looking.

The newcomer had a mop of messy green hair, freckles, and kind eyes. Maybe this one would be different...but getting your hopes too high seemed futile from your bad luck.

"Thanks for helping me move in, guys! I can take it from here." Midoriya wiped a bead of sweat from his brow as his green eyes scanned the rows and stacks of labeled boxes of various sizes. Kitchen items sat in the kitchen, bathroom items in the bathroom, etc. In terms of furniture, all he managed to afford was a couch and a bed for the time being. It was a miracle that he'd found such a cheap apartment!

"Are you sure? We don't mind staying to help unpack," Uraraka said while standing in the front doorway.

Iida and Todoroki nodded in agreement. "That's what friends are for!"

However, Midoriya shook his head and held his hands up defensively. "No, no I promise it's fine. You all have done enough. I mostly just want to unpack a few essentials before sitting down on the couch for a's been a long day."

"Then let's go get soba." Todoroki grabbed Iida and Uraraka by the backs of their shirt collars and dragged them out of the apartment. Hunger could be a very powerful motivator.

Midoriya closed the door behind them with a sigh. The true reason he didn't want them opening random boxes was out of sheer embarrassment. He had a lot of action figures and collectibles that he'd packed up and if they found any of it he'd probably just collapse right into the floor.

He walked into the kitchen and picked a box, breaking apart the tape with a snap. You looked on curiously from the ceiling where he couldn't see as he stacked glasses and plates in the cabinets before moving to everything in the fridge, which wasn't much.

"There, that's all the to just rest my eyes for a minute..." After downing a glass of ice water, he went to the living room and plopped down on the couch and closed his eyes. "Just a power nap, then back to work."

You silently watched him sleep, a bit of drool dripping down his chin onto the patterned pillow that matched the couch. Every once in awhile he twitched as though running through a dream and you held back a ghostly laugh. It had been almost six months since anyone had lived in the apartment. You'd have to get used to having a roommate...well, if he stuck around long enough not to run away.

Maybe I can convince him to stay. It's not like I leave a mess or would bother him. Besides, I lived here first! He's in my space, not the other way around. So long as he respects it, we should be fine.

After almost two hours Midoriya stirred from sleep, his eyes fluttering open with the afternoon light streaming in from the curtainless window. " long was I asleeEEP!"

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