Todoroki saying "I love you" for the first time

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There were a lot of words you could use to describe Todoroki, and none of them really seemed adequate; everything seemed to fall short on your tongue when an image of him popped into your head. He was strong, resolute, smart, dedicated, could go on, filling a basket full of flower petals, each written with a delicate complement on his character and personality.

The more you thought about it - thought about him - the stronger the feelings of affection became. They made your heart palpitate in your chest, a gust of wind invigorating every breath you took. It was like sipping a warm cup of tea: calming and comforting and safe.

You had to finally admit to yourself that you were in love with him. The hard part now...was telling him that.

You'd actually tried several times, but the words were always caught in your throat, afraid of what he might say back. Would he reciprocate your feelings? Would he...not feel the same way? You were already dating, sure, but admitting to feelings of love shouldn't be flippant or tossed around easily.

You didn't realize you'd get your chance sooner rather than later.

"WATCH OUT!" Todoroki yelled in your direction as a villain erupted out of nowhere, popping out of the ground and heading right towards you. The scene was complete chaos as villains attacked several civilians out of nowhere, so the both of you and the other classmates around quickly jumped into action. You were heroes in training, after all.

You jumped out of the way, using your quirk to help you dodge. But as soon as you were out of the way another villain came in from your blind spot to wrap a massive hand around your neck.

The air left your lungs, sucked out of your mouth like a vacuum. Your vision was blurry as your hands clawed desperately at the strong fingers. Your quirk wasn't made for this situation.

And all you could think about was I didn't tell him yet...I can't...go out...yet

With a wretched scream you opened your mouth and bit down on the hand, filling your mouth with the hot tang of iron as blood spilled down your throat. Finally the hand let you go as the villain screamed. Before you hit the ground, however, a pair of familiar arms scooped you up as you slowly lost consciousness.

Everything was sore as bright lights filtered in through your thin eyelids, the sterile smell of plastic and clean sheets filling your nose.

"You're awake, finally." A familiar blur of white and red hair slowly came into focus as you blinked back the bright hospital lights above your head.

"Mmhm...I'm...crap. What happened...?" Your head was killing you, thankful for the soft cool pillow behind your hair.

Todoroki placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled down at you. "Well we won, but you took a beating and passed out after that villain grabbed you. You bit him, though."

"Bit him...gross," you said, reflexively hanging your tongue out of your mouth. Todoroki laughed, a sound you always enjoyed.

"I'm glad you're alright, you were-"

"I love you." It just...came out, without warning. Everything came flooding back at once and the words just spilled out of your mouth. "Oh...oh I'm..Shouto-"

He honestly looked starstruck, a light dusting of pink highlighting his nose and cheeks before his expression sunk into something more comfortable, more...tender. " you too. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner, but seeing you here made me realize I was foolish not to tell you before now."

You could feel tears prickling at the edge of your vision. "Shouto...I was scared that, that I wouldn't tell you before, if I didn't get away..." A warm hand found yours and held on tightly.

"Everything's alright, now."

And it was, and it always would be. 

NOTE: Please check out my new/ongoing Bakugou x Reader longfic "Be Still, Just for Me"! I'm working really hard on it and would love more readers and feedback/comments on it! Thanks!

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