Deaf Reader x Bakugu Fairy Soulmate AU

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"Do you have everything?" your mother asked while you rushed around to grab breakfast, stuffing a piece of dry toast in your mouth and downing it with some black coffee that was definitely meant for your dad

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"Do you have everything?" your mother asked while you rushed around to grab breakfast, stuffing a piece of dry toast in your mouth and downing it with some black coffee that was definitely meant for your dad.

"Uhh I dunno?" you signed to her while mentally running through a list of things you might need but probably already had before your family left for Hawaii tomorrow

She grabbed your shirt collar and yanked you back inside before you ran out the door, stuffing a piece of paper into your hand before letting you go.

You read down through the list, your eyes focused on the scrawled lettering of your mother as you walked down the street towards school. Sunscreen? No, you had that. Bathing suit? It was from last year, but it would do. Sunglasses? Cheap and perfect. Sandals? Ye-


Unfortunately, you couldn't hear the angry voice yelling for you to get out of the way as you stepped off the sidewalk and into the street, not paying attention to the "do not walk" sign. A truck barreled down on you as you looked up, horrified that you didn't have time to get out of the way.

You dropped the list and screamed, shutting your eyes in terror...until you were harshly yanked away by your arm and tossed back onto the sidewalk.

"You moron! Didn't you see the sign?" Opening your eyes timidly with the realization that you were alive, you saw an angry-looking boy with spiky pale blonde hair and red eyes yelling at you from the looks of things. His mouth was so big and gestures so wild you had a hard time lip-reading what he was saying but got the gist of it well enough after almost being run over by a truck.

He pointed at you and then pointed at the sign, his free hand popping off intimidating-looking sparks that you assumed had something to do with his quirk.

You signed an apology and "thank you for saving me" but he didn't understand, cocking a confused eyebrow before turning his nose up and walking in the opposite direction you were headed.

Your mother's note lay crumpled and torn in the street after being run over, but you didn't dare try and retrieve it.

It took a while for your heart rate to come down, but once it did the day dragged on like the slow pour of drying concrete. In less than twenty-four hours you'd be on a plane to Hawaii to spend two whole weeks away from school and responsibilities and stress.

When the bell finally rang at the end of the day you waved goodbye to your friends and jogged home, very careful this time not to run into the street or miss any signs.

The evening was spent stuffing your suitcase almost to bursting, indecisive on which outfits to take and ultimately concluding it was best to take all of them...just in case.

You groaned at having to wake up at 6 a.m. but there was no avoiding the early hour since navigating the busy airport would surely be a pain. After brushing your teeth and setting your alarm, you drifted off to sleep with dreams of warm sand, delicious seafood, and postcard-worthy scenery. No stress, no problems.

When the alarm on your phone buzzed repeatedly so you could feel the vibrations, you woke up with a sleepy huff and flung your arm out to hit the snooze button, but something wriggled under your forearm.

"Eh...huh?" You opened your eyes, bleary and tired from sleep, to see a pair of wiggling legs fighting against your arm. Oh, I'm still dreaming...back to sleep- "OW!!"

Something bit you and you jerked your arm back in pain. A small red mark now sat on your forearm, which caused you to turn and see some...something..someone? Wings? A Scowl?

Half an hour later, after your parents explained what was happening, you stared at the fairy incarnation of your soulmate who just happened to be the boy who saved your life yesterday. You were about to go on vacation! There was no time to find him and get this fairy to disappear, but at least he looked as unhappy as you did.

The fairy version of Bakugou fluttered around your head as you got ready to leave with your parents. Even though they couldn't see him the small bite mark on your arm in addition to your panic proved to them he was real. "You'll just have to deal with him, we don't really have time to discuss it right now," your mom signed as your dad grabbed the bags to stuff into the taxi that would take you to the airport.

The fairy sat on your knee in the taxi, staring up at you while you stared down at him. You were really stuck with him for the next two weeks and there was nothing you could do about it.

All throughout walking into the airport, checking your bags, grabbing breakfast, and sleepily waiting to board the plane your new fairy "friend" buzzed around your head and made faces at you. At least he didn't have that sparking quirk like the boy had - then you'd really be in trouble.

Your parents let you have the window seat on the plane, and once it finally took off and you were in the air you were able to settle down and relax a bit. It would be a long flight, and the morning events had exhausted you, so you hoped to sleep throughout most of it.

However, you watched the fairy boy flutter up to the window and look out, his small hands pressed up against the glass and for the first time you got a good look at him in the daylight.

He was kind of cute if you were truly honest with yourself. You were supposed to be soulmates, right? So there had to be some common ground you could find.

When your dad nudged you awake to tell you the plane had landed, you saw the fairy curled up asleep on your shoulder.

That would be the most peaceful you'd see him for the rest of the day.

After filing out of the airport and getting to the hotel, all you wanted to do was eat a proper meal and explore for your first day. Even though your fairy friend didn't need to eat or drink, he still turned his nose up at what you ordered and made faces every chance he got.

What you really couldn't wait for was to head out onto the beach and people watch, maybe even catching a bit of a tan in the process.

The fairy boy seemed to at least be enjoying the warm weather as much as you were, sitting up on your knee to watch the ocean waves. He also left a chibifly-shaped tanline on your stomach when you laid down to read through the different places to visit and things to do in the area.

With the first of fourteen days completed your parents told you goodnight and closed the door to your room decorated with local flowers and seashells.

I don't know your name, but I'll find out eventually, you thought as you laid down for bed. The fairy fluttered down onto the pillow next to you and tried not to look tired, but his yawn gave him away and you couldn't help but giggle a bit. He pouted but eventually curled up onto the pillow, his wings tucked behind him, and looked at you with small but piercing red eyes before falling asleep.

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad addition to your vacation after all.


If you enjoy my scenarios, please check out my longer, multi-chapter fics "Tedium in Blue" and "Be Still, Just for Me"! Thank you!

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