Bakugo w/ an s/o who does aerial silks

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Bakugou knew the importance of being quick on his feet and flexible. His quirk provided more maneuverability than other quirks in addition to the raw attack power, and to let that go to waste was "stupid" in his words. If a villain couldn't hit him, perfectAlthough he could move around well, he wasn't particularly graceful about it. He didn't really care, though. Not a priority. His s/o though...The first time he sees you on the silks is when he walks into the gym to surprise them because he had a sudden urge to go on a date whether you liked it or notThere were these odd pieces of fabric hanging from high up o the ceiling and he said "what the fuck" having no clue what they were for. Then he sees you up towards the top and the fabric is wrapped around your torso and you just start spinning all the way down to the floorHe freaks out and rushes forward to catch you but you stop about at his face level - but you aren't expecting to open your eyes and see him there so you're startled enough to fall on the floor anywayYou get up and ask what he's doing there before explaining the aerial silks and what they're for. The date's forgotten because he's way too interested to see what the hell you can do with some fabric"Well, let me show off for once," you gloat while pulling yourself up. He's impressed with your upper body strength and soon realizes this shit looks kinda difficult
He thinks it's hot when the fabric is wrapped around you, honestly, but won't admit so out loudAt some point you go to the bathroom and he tries to do it but his hands are too sweaty so he keeps slipping and nearly sets the silk on fire in frustrationYou keep showing off and doing all these tricks and he's kinda pissed that you can do something he can't even though he barely even tried and immediately failedBut he's still impressed and yells at you for not telling him earlier that you did something like this. "I figured you'd think it was dumb-" "You're dumb for thinking that, idiot!"

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