Bakugou's Fem! Best Friend Crushes on Kirishima

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You knew Bakugou better than just about anyone, but sometimes it felt like he still kept you at arms-length. And maybe it was his direct influence of being walled-off and unapproachable, but you weren't that great at opening up about things either...especially not about having a massive crush on his friend Kirishima.

Bakugou pushed you - and everyone else around him by consequence - to be better, to work harder, to want to win just because of his natural competitive energy. You had gotten into UA together and ended up in the same class. And while he stuck around you in the beginning, there was someone else that started hanging around more, gaining his attention as well as yours. Kirishima Eijiro caught your eyes as soon as you walked into the classroom for the first time, his bright red hair and infectious smile making your heart flutter. And while his eyes were the same color as your best friend's, they were warm and inviting rather than fierce and angry.

As Kirishima and Bakugou grew closer in their friendship and support of each other becoming Heroes, you didn't miss a chance to hang out with them as well. But the one thing Bakugou had that you didn't...was a tenacious unabashed courage to say whatever was on his mind, not caring what anyone else thought of it. You, unfortunately, didn't glean this quality from him.

While Kirishima wasn't the smartest guy in class, everything else caught your attention: his politeness, his energy, his sparkling smile, his dedication to doing his best, his friendly nature, that ridiculous were crushing hard and had no idea what to do about it.

You doodled in the margins of your papers when Aizawa took his naps, making sure no one saw the sketches of his face with hearts doodled all around. Or the confession notes that you always scribbled out and eventually tossed away knowing you were't brave enough to actually tell him how you felt. It was hopeless at this rate.

"Oi, moron! Pay attention, I'm helping you study not watching you daydream." Bakugou's irritated voice brought you out of yet another blurry daze of Kirishima filling your thoughts.

"Shit, sorry sorry..."

"The hell is wrong with you lately? Your brain messed up or somethin'? You know I can tell when something's up." Though communicating wasn't Bakugou's strong point, he could at least try to recognize when you were feeling off.

But of course you could never let him know your secret. "Oh...uh it's nothing!"

"You're a bad liar."

"Yeah well I picked it up from you."

"What was that?!"

Studying in his room was forgotten as he put you in a headlock. Unfortunately the rustling knocked your notebook to the ground and it opened on a...very embarrassing page.


"Not so fast!" Bakugou snatched up the book before you could grab it off the floor and stared very hard with an indescernible expression at the sketch of you. And Kirishima. Kissing. With floaty sparkly hearts all around it. Oh...oh no.

Your face was coincidentally the same color as Kirishima's hair in that exact moment.

"The hell is this?...wait. You serious?!" He basically screamed in your face, waving the notebook around erratically. "You wanna suck face with shitty hair!"


"So you gonna be a chicken forever or what?" You peeked out from between your fingers covering your blushing face to look at your best friend, his expression expectant.


"I won't repeat myself, idiot."

"There's no way I'd ever-" Bakugou growled, hand around your notebook popping dangerously as you tried to wrestle it from him before it went up in flames. "- tell him I like him!"

"I'm not friends with cowards. So suck it up and spit it out before I tell him."

Your face was aghast with horror. "You wouldn't." But you knew he would, classic no-shame Bakugou Katsuki.

"It'll be fine, he can't shut up about you when you're not around so I dunno what the hell you're worried about anyway."

"...wait." You processed his words very carefully. "You...does he like me...?" His face scrunched up in anger again.

"The hell did I just say about repeating myself?! TOMORROW. NO excuses."

Very few people said "no" to Bakugou Katsuki, especially not when he was your best friend telling you to confess to your crush. No excuses.

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