Werewolf Bakugou saved by Knight! Reader

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TW: mentions of physical and verbal abuse


The tight collar around his neck bit at his skin, raw and scabbed from the crackling shock it gave off if he tugged against it. The wounds never healed because he never stopped trying.

His clothes were tattered and torn and dirty because he was never given new ones, and the fur on his ears and tail which should've been soft and shiny looked lackluster and felt like straw. When the stress got to him, some days more than others, clumps would fall out.

Eyes once the color of shimmering rubies now looked on like pools of dried blood, dim and cracked and lifeless.

This was Bakugou's life, a life of imprisonment and abuse. He once roamed free under the moonlight but was captured and trained as an attack dog for the cruel old sorcerer who lived at the top of the tower. Other beings inhabited the small castle, but they had neither minds to think with nor skin to feel pain. Bakugou was the only other sentient creature there, and he was convinced the bastard enjoyed seeing him suffer.

A stone archway covered in moss and dimly glowing runes stood at the end of the long lawn made up of dead and barren earth. It taunted Bakugou endlessly, for no gate or door or lock stood between him and freedom...just the collar around his neck that burned if he set one foot too close to the arch.

His fingers, calloused and hard from attempting to scale every possible wall he could, twitched at the longing ache to roam free outside these walls. He'd never stop trying because he knew no one would come to save him. No one ever did. It was far too late to rely on others, but his spirit was nearly broken.

Rain pelted down outside as thunder roared and lightning lit up the sky in shocking white and gray. The castle was forbidden to him unless he was being punished, so he sat soaking and wet and pathetic outside under the small sheltered stone awning, feet muddy and body shivering. He could barely feel the cold - or anything - anymore.

One ear twitched as he heard distant footsteps near the arch. People could enter, but no one could leave. That was the rule. If he didn't attack, he was beaten. If he didn't growl, he was starved. The temptation to lay down and never wake up was strong on the darkest of days...but he would never give up on walking outside and feeling warmth once more.

He looked up through the rain to see a dark figure, a silhouette, clinking along in heavy armor through the puddles and mud. The freezing rain had seeped into his bones, but he stood up on instinct knowing what would happen if he didn't. He wished someone would destroy the sorcerer, oblierate the source of his pain, but he was a forced foe against potential alies.

His feet moved more on instinct than anything else and carried him towards the approaching figure until he stood between you and the closed doors to the castle.

You stopped and looked at him, Your features obscured by the metel helmet you wore.

Before they could speak, Bakugou sprinted forward with broken claws outstretched. He felt nothing as he lunged at them, swiping down as they jumped back from his opening attack.

"I'm only here for the sorcerer! I don't want to fight you!" you yelled through the rain, voice choing inside their helmet. Bakugou ignored your call and ran through the rain once more and watched you pull out a sword, gleaming against the moonlight above. You swiped across in an obviously wide arc as a warning.

He had no weapons, only his own body. Bakugou growled at the intruder, lip curling and ears flattening against his head.

"Your neck...he tortures you, doesn't he? Keeps you here?" Bakugou paused, eyes widening at your observation. His collar must've shifted to reveal the red and raw skin underneath though he dare not touch it. "Let me past and I'll set you free!"

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