Todoroki w/ an s/o who takes him ice skating

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He'd never thought of going ice skating, before. The idea had never crossed his mind; whenever he thought of ice his train of thought went immediately to his quirk, to fighting, to training...not to something fun. So when his partner suggested taking him ice skating he honestly wasn't sure what all that entailed, or how he might feel about it.

"Ice skating?" he asked hesitantly. It wasn't that he was scared or anything, but the idea of trying something new, something unfamiliar, one more thing he missed out on as a child was a bit daunting.

"Just try it! If you really hate it we can leave and I'll buy you soba to make up for it, deal?" You answered while leading him down the street towards the makeshift skating rink that the city set up now that it the winter weather was starting to set in.

"I do like soba..." Todoroki said as you dragged him by the hand.

The skating rink was already filled with people, most of whom were skating and having fun while others sat with hot chocolate or cider off to the side for a break. After renting out two pairs of skates and trying them on Todoroki immediately knew this would be harder than he anticipated, which he hadn't anticipated would be difficult at all: balancing on two thin blades vs his shoes. He was used to sliding around on his own ice, but for some reason he was now having difficulty keeping upright.

A group of small children walked by the two of you while easily walking - or waddling, rather - with their own skates just to drive the point home.

You helped him up while trying desperately not to laugh as he grabbed onto every hand rail and supporting wall he could. Eventually he finally made it to the main skating rink. There were families pushing their kids along, bundled up like puffy colorful marshmallows while some more advanced skaters skitted easily around everyone else by eithe racing each other or occasionally doing spins and jumps.

"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine!" you said, grabbing him by the elbow and leading him onto the ice. Almost immediately he grabbed onto the side as he felt his feet slipping out from under him.

He stuck closely to the wall and guard rail and made it one lap around the rink after about ten minutes and only fell down...three times. "Is it supposed to be this hard? Can't I use my quirk?"

"You know we can't use our quirks outside of school. Are you saying you can't do it? Giving up?"

Now, Todoroki wasn't as quick to react as Bakugo when it came to people challenging him to things or claiming he couldn't do something. But this should be so simple considering how many children were literally skating circles around him.

"I will win," he said while letting go of the guard rail with an overly-determined look. What was that thing they taught to people learning how to ski...?

"Pizza...french fries..." Todoroki mumbled to himself while his feet went in and out on the ice, slowly getting the hang of it. At one point he grabbed onto the back of your jacket and let you pull him since you were a decent skater, and by the end of it all he was actually smiling.

Finally the two of you decided to take a break and grab some hot chocolate. "Well? What'd you think?"

Todoroki hummed while cooling his hand just enough on the outside of his cup to make his hot chocolate drinkable. It was a bit embarrassing with realizing how terrible he as at it, but by the end he was better than when he started...and he actually had fun. "I like it. But can we still get soba later?"

You just laughed and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Yeah, yeah we can."

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