Momo with an Artist s/o

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You sat in your dorm room, sketchbook in hand while taking a break from the intense hours of dedicated studying. Aizawa's tests were always difficult, so studying wasn't optional; even so, your brain needed a break, and your go-to way of winding down was doodling in your sketchbook.

A knock at your door made your hand pause over the textured paper.

"Hello (y/n)! Are you ready for our study date? I brought tea!" Momo's voice always made your heart flutter. And of course she would bring tea - always so considerate.

You set your sketchbook down on your bed before getting up to open your dorm room door. Your girlfriend stood there in comfortable clothes and a pile of books under one arm, and two sealed mugs of tea in the other. Leaning in close you gave her a peck on the cheek before she let herself in, cheeks flushed from the affection.

"You're always so cute when you blush, Momo," you said, closing the door behind her.

"Uhm, ahem!" She coughed in a poor attempt to cover her own embarrassment. "We should get started...what's this?" Setting the books down on your bed and the mugs down on your desk, the open sketchbook and discarded pencil caught her eye.

You could feel the heat rising in your skin all the way to your ears. Momo knew that you enjoyed drawing but that particular open page was-

"Is" Her voice was soft as she gingerly picked up the sketchbook, eyes scanning over the soft pencil lines and eraser marks that made up her own portrait. "You drew me...?" Momo turned around to face you, eyes sparkling, brows knit together in question.

"Um I'm sorry! It's probably weird...but I dunno I just really enjoy sketching you? I've done it so much I can pretty much do it from memory now..." After realizing what you'd just said your hands flew to your mouth while Momo flipped through the rest of the sketchbook and found one, two, three, four...pages and pages of her own visage staring back at her.

"Oh (y/n)...I'm so flattered! These are so well done, too..." She should be embarrassed. She should feel flustered. But...she wasn't? Momo sometimes struggled with second-guessing herself, wondering if she was good enough, if other people around here were far more suited to the intense demands of hero work and constant training. However, this small gesture told Momo that her partner thought she was beautiful, that she was important, that she was on their mind. Tears prickled at the edges of her vision.

"Eh?! Oh no please don't cry I'm sorry I won't-" You were cut off as Momo promptly turned around and kissed you, delicately and softly but with feeling behind it.

"D-do you...have more? Oh that makes me sound so self-centered..."

The studying was forgotten and the tea fell cold as you both sat together on the bed, side by side, you revealing the intimacy behind what you saw in her and what your hands recreated in feeble attempt to materialize love from the soft lead of your pencil.

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