Demon King! Bakugo x Reader

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Rough walls of stone. Floor hard and littered with unidentifiable bones. A ceiling so high it ran up endlessly into nothing but darkness. The putrid smell of sulfur and old smoke burned your nose. There was another, more sinister smell that you tried desperately to ignore as you walked down an empty hallway.

The heat on your skin made you sluggish, sweat sticking to your skin, the thick warm air making it difficult to breathe. "Where am I...?" You woke up here, alone in an unknown place with no memory of how you got here. There was only one door to open, and one hallway to walk down. Growls and moans echoed at your back, though when you turned around in frantic terror the way behind you lay as empty as the way ahead. But there was nowhere to go but forward.

Eventually you saw light at the end of the darkness and, overcome with the possibility of an exit out of this terrible place, you ran. Bones clattered against the floor as your feet picked up dirt and dust. You were so exhausted, desperate to get back home, wherever that was. The moans behind you grew louder, the screams became more agonized, and the heat grew stronger.

You ran faster until, finally, you broke the threshold of the light. Only...this, whatever it was, looked worse than where you just came from.

Everything was painted a jarring shade of red - the color of blood. The temperature here felt even hotter. Dark and ominous silhouettes flew overhead, cackling with a maddening rasp. You debated turning around and going back into the tunnel...but now lay only flat stone, the exit erased like a chalk drawing in the rain. "What do I do, where do I go?!" Frantic and panicked you crept forward, now truly with no way back.

Darting between rocks that burned your hands so as not to be seen by beasts that shook the ground, you moved towards a glowing red light. It was brighter than any other light in the large open cavern. A gemstone, maybe. It didn't matter what it is, only that it seemed important.

Your ears were filled with cries of pain and the merciless laughs of shapes that rattled with chains. "I have to get out, have to keep moving," you told yourself as the tears on your cheeks evaporated from the heat almost as quickly as they fell.

Eventually you managed to make it close enough to the light to see it was, indeed, a gemstone. Before you could move, though, a raspy voice rang out...not in the cavern, but inside your own head.

So, you made it I see. Brave little thing.

Looking up you noticed a figure perched on a wretched throne of emerald with carved demons on either side. He held an air of authority, of absolute comfort within this hellish realm of fire and brimstone. His eyes were the same shade as the glowing gem.

Rather than yell outloud and bring unwanted attention to yourself, you asked inside your head, "Who are you? Where am I?"

His laugh echoed across your ribcage and sank into your stomach like a stone threatening to drown you.

You're in my domain, mortal. I rule here, and you best do as I say or it won't end well for you. I liked the look of your soul, and I want it for myself.

"My soul?!" you yelped before clamping a hand quickly over your mouth, looking around to make sure no one else heard you. But if this overseer type figure obviously knew you were here, it might be pointless to keep a low profile.

He lifted a hand and, with a flick of his finger, your feet left the ground as you floated up to his throne that overlooked the hellish landscape behind you. "I'm impatient. Don't keep me waiting."

You squirmed desperately trying to get away, but floating through the air had its obvious disadvantages. Eventually you stood before him, sweat pouring down the back of your neck as your hands trembled, his firey eyes fixated on you hungrily.

"What do you want my soul for, huh? Put it on a sandwich? Keep it in a treasure chest? Stuff it in that fat mouth of yours?" If you were gonna die - which you weren't completely sure of, yet - you'd go out fighting.

He looked surprised at your words, then threw his head back and laughed. "Amusing! You're the one with the smart mouth, moron. It's unwise to talk back to a Demon King Bakugo, hah?"

"Demon King?" you questioned, and he just smirked. "You didn't answer my question."

"I don't have to answer to anyone." With that he pushed off the throne, standing a full head above you while a burst of warm air brushed across your face as if his movements ushered in the winds of Hell.

One foot, then another. Slow and ominous, he walked towards you until he was close enough to spit on. You growled and struggled, tried desperately to fight against the invisible binds that held you in place - no use. He lifted a hand to tilt your chin up, just enough to force you to stare into those demonic eyes of his.

"Your face is almost as pretty as that soul I'm about to steal. Struggling will only make it hurt worse, I don't suggest it. Unless you're into that type of thing," he murmured before leaning in close enough to smell brimstone and smoke on his breath.

Lips parted, eyes unblinking on your own, he closed in...then, it started to glow.

A bright light, even brighter than before sprang up behind him, making him growl. "No, not yet!" he howled in anger. Turning to you with the intent of finishing what he started, his eyes now pools of bubbling lava, he lunged.

And then you woke up.

Sitting forward with a gasp you inhaled too deeply, coughing and grasping at your throat, eyes shut tight against the white light overhead. The smells...the smell of iron, of fire, of death had disappeared. Soft sheets lay over your lap while a monitor beeped at your bedside. While still regaining yourself and trying to understand that you were no longer in the realm of the Demon King, a whisper sang in your skull like whisps in a lonely forest.

I'll come for you, Love.

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