Bakugou Dating Todoroki's Sister

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He thought of Todoroki aka Icy Hot or Half-and-Half as a rival of sorts, especially after the Sports Festival. He was someone to beat, someone to watch out for if he wanted to secure his spot as #1 Hero (and student)
When he realized he had a crush on Todoroki's sister, well, he tried really fucking hard to tap down his feelings and ignore themSurprise, didn't work out so well when he was just so glaringly obvious about it, much to Todoroki's annoyanceTodoroki was obviously wary of Bakugou, the resident abrasive hothead and smartmouthed asshole, dating his sister. He could only see it going badly and her getting hurt in the end thinking Bakugou would treat her like he did everything else: like a prize to be wonWell, he was taken aback when he first saw them together and now uncharacteristically nice Bakugou was to her. It was honestly jarring, but he didn't let his guard downBakugou wasn't stupid by any means. He knew that if he screwed things up, it'd be another thing for Half-and-Half to dangle over his head, saying he was a shit boyfriend. He was going to win at being the best damn partner ever, dammit!His personality didn't change much, though he toned down the sass and insults towards her, and actually gave a shit about what she was saying at any given momentTodoroki would question her periodically, asking if Bakugou was treating her properly and overall being an overprotective brotherHe was always surprised to her how positively she talked about Bakugou, the small shows of affection he gave. Whether it was from fear of "losing" at being a good boyfriend or something else, Todoroki decided he didn't care too much as long as she was happyBakugou did enjoy the occasional stunt to make Todoroki's eye twitch. He didn't like PDA, but he'd peck her on the cheek if he knew his classmate was watching just to see his disgusted reaction, or give her and stupidly nice compliment with a knowing smirk in Todoroki's directionHe meant it all, of course, but the game was too fun to pass up

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