Winter/Holiday Headcanons

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He is the resident Grinch out of everyone and proudly wears that title like a badge of honor

Does not really care about the holiday festivities, the bad music that loops for a month in every single store, or spending gobs of money on garbage that people will forget about in a few weeks, etc. "Annoying" is his word for most of it

But for his s/o? Rather than scramble around for a gift like everyone else he actually gets one months in advance

He is extremely observant and a great listener even if he *appears* to not give a shit (he does) and will grab up that thing you mentioned and just sit on it until it's either your birthday or a holiday - whichever comes first

"You morons have a whole year to get gifts - you shoulda been prepared!"

This way, he knows for a fact it's something you actually want and will enjoy vs something generic and boring. Bonus points to you if it's something actually useful vs just for aesthetics

If you try and get him listening to holiday music he'll just leave the room until you shut it off or change the station

The only way he'll decorate for anything is 1. anyone even so much as hints that he's bad at decorating and it would look crappy and lame so he has to prove them wrong or 2. it's something you genuinely enjoy so he puts up with it (for a while)

Festive clothing, though? Absolutely not. You'd have to force it on him to get him to wear it and he'll complain and yell the entire time

Now, when it comes to receiving gifts...he has high expectations because he assumes you've put just as much thought into his gift that he put into yours so "it better be good!"

And of course it is because you know him better than just about anyone - and he plays it off like it's not a big deal but he's secretly touched that it's not just arbitrary. He probably wouldn't be with you if you didn't put in equal relationship effort, anyway

He cooks no matter what anyone says - and it ends up as a feast. No dry meat and bland side dishes here! But it's not traditional, either. He experiments and pulls from different recipes and makes them his own so they're "obviously the best"

Overall, does not much care for holidays or traditions and prefers to just make his own so they feel more personal and less built on outdated traditions


The holidays for her are...kind of bittersweet

Since her family didn't have that much money while she was growing up, she didn't have that many presents or the ones she did get were minimal or handmade

That being said, a focus was placed heavily on cherishing family time together and enjoying everything *outside* of gift-giving or things to do with money

Still, she feels guilty if she can't afford the thing she might want to get her s/o because that's what they deserve, right?

She does enjoy holiday music and parties, gathering family and friends together to have a good time and enjoy each other's company since that was the main focus of her family holidays

If there's something she knows you really want but she can't afford it, she just saves her money so she can get it for you eventually...but in the meantime, she'll cook and make you something as a substitute gift

Paranoia creeps in that you won't like or will think it's not as good since it's not fancy or expensive even though you've never put that kind of emphasis or expectation on the relationship

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