Kirishima's S/O Sparring with Ojiro

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"Hey, Ojiro! What's up, are you out here training too?" Kirishima asked as he heard someone else enter the training area. His s/o looked up from practicing some of their martial arts moves to wave to their classmate as well.

"Yeah, I didn't have anything better to do so might as well...hey those were some nice moves s/o! Wanna have a little sparring match?" Ojiro hopped from one foot to another, tail waiving back and forth behind him almost mockingly.

"Oh, you think you can beat me huh? Don't get cocky," they said, walking up towards Ojiro. Kirishima placed a strong hand on their shoulder.

"He's a tricky one with that tail of his! He kicked my ass last time we had a match so just stay on your toes! I know you can do it!" He gave an enthusiastic fist pump to act as his s/o's official cheerleader for the match. "You better watch out, Ojiro! They're really badass even without using their Quirk." Kirishima smirked at his classmate as s/o made their way out towards the open training area, facing each other in fighting stances.

"We'll see about that...I won't go easy on you," Ojiro said, hands poised to strike at any moment.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," they said in response, eyes glistening at the challenge.

It only took a second before Ojiro made the first move, lunging at them and swinging down with his powerful tail. His opponent managed to dodge out of the way, flipping to the side and trailing a kick towards Ojiro's head, but he blocked it just in time.

Kirishima watched from the sidelines as his s/o and Ojiro duked it out: one would get a hit in, but then miss the next striking opportunity. A flying kick, a punch, a dodge, a roll, a flip, they were on fire and it seemed like neither was quite pulling ahead of the other.

"Wow...s/o is so manly and cool! I'm gonna have to train with them more often so I can get bett- ouch! Ooh that had to hurt..." He winced as a hard swipe of Ojiro's tail made contact with his s/o's side, putting them on the ground. "You can do it! Don't give up!"

They managed to gain back their footing right before Ojiro gave another powerful tail attack towards the ground, moving out of the way just in time.

5 minutes...10 minutes...20 minutes...

"OK ok ok I give up! Jeez..." they said, completely out of breath and nearly collapsing on the ground from exhaustion. "You're...OK you're really good..."

"You're not bad yourself! With a little more practice you might even beat me," Ojiro said with a laugh as he helped them up. "It was a good fight."

"Yo! Wow that was so awesome! I couldn't last fight minutes against him and you went above and beyond!" Kirishima ran over and picked up his s/o, spinning them around in a circle.

They were a blushing mess as Kirishima spun them around until he got too dizzy, Ojiro laughing to the side at what a cute couple they made.

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