Bakugou with a bloodbending s/o

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"Just tell me what it is, already," Bakugou nagged as the two of you walked down the street towards the cafe. It was out of the way enough of major crowds for Bakugou to actually agree to tag along while also having great coffee and pastries for you.

"It's...embarrassing, so no," you answered with a firm tone. It was a lie, of course, but you hoped he couldn't pick up on it.

In reality, you hated your quirk. You hated feeling the villainous potential it held every time you thought of it. People couldn't choose their quirks, and most people got along in life just fine...but sometimes you wished you were quirkless so you wouldn't have to lie or deal with the consequences of a quirk that could only hurt people.

He can never find out. I'll keep it secret for as long as I can.

2 Years Later

"Fuck!, no, no! I was so stupid." You sped down the sidewalk as fast as your legs would take you knowing what chased you from the shadows. People looked on but did not bother stopping to check on you, to see if you were OK, and chose instead to keep walking and go about their day.

You were so careful with who you gave your name out to, so meticulous with your personal information...but one day you had to slip up, or their digging and endless searching would finally pay off, whichever came first. Skidding on the ground you bounced off a brick wall to sprint down an alleyway, trash crunching under your shoes as you refused to look back.

Keep going, I have to keep going, I have to-

"AAAAHHH! GOTCHA, GIRLIE!" Something large and formless landed right in front of you from above in a cloud of dust, causing you to yelp and fall back. A hand or tentacle or claw grabbed your arm, you weren't sure, and you struggled to pull away despite your disorientation.

"LET GO! LET ME GO!" You yelled, but their physical strength far outweighed your own as they yanked you roughly to your feet and bent your arm behind your back.

A figure - large and ominous and constantly shifting as though made of squirming slimy fingers - stepped out into the dim light. All you could see was a set of grimy yellow teeth surrounded by worms. "Nah, we finally gotcha! Took many years? Doesn't matter, it was a lot. You thought you were real good and real smart, eh? But we gotcha. And you're gonna help us all...ain't ya?"

You struggled again to free yourself from another figure standing behind you, but it was no use. I won't use it...I won't, you thought while staring down the figure in front of you. Bakugou would never let you hear the end of it if you showed fear or weakness. "Fuck you, I won't do anything to help y- AH!"

A tight grip twisted your arm until the skin started to pull and you felt your muscles about to stretch and snap. "What was that, huh?" the voice dripping with venomous intent asked with a rasp like buzzing hornets. "You should reconsider, not like you got a choice, really. But breaking your arm would really make all this harder than it's gotta be."

A heat burned in your chest and behind your eyes as you stared down the villain in front of you. A familiar heat that you attempted to quench, but it was no use.

The white, toothy grin faded in an instant.

Sirens roared while police and paramedics walked the area. You sat on the back of an ambulance, a warm blanket over your shoulders while your feet dangled limply over the edge. Your eyes were blurry and you couldn't see straight, couldn't see anything past the regret.

"MOVE! Shove off! Where is she!?" A loud and familiar voice echoed from your right as Bakugou barreled through a small crowd until he spotted you in the ambulance. He grabbed your shoulders but you couldn't see him, just a blur of blonde and orange and black. "Fuck, (y/n), what the hell happened? Are you OK? They radioed me here when they heard it was you and...oi, what's wrong?"

You attempted to look at him, but it hurt to look at anything. Weakness flooded your muscles and despite the tightness in your throat and inability to breathe without pain in your chest out of nerves you felt glad to see him. "Katsuki...I'm sorry."

"What? Sorry for what? You were attacked by some dumbass villains. Looks like someone took care of 'em though judging by all the police. You gotta-"

"It was me," you whispered in a small voice. "I did was me. I tried to stop it but I was...I was so angry. And I couldn't let them take me."

Your vision cleared just enough to see the confusion written on his face. "What are you talking about?"

"I hurt quirk, I hate it so much but they've been after me for it and...and...!" For the second time that night you broke down, supported from falling to the ground by Bakugou's gloved hands on your shoulders.

The two of you silhouetted against the bright white of the ambulance lights felt pain of two kinds: one of regret, and one bewilderment. He didn't understand but he held you all the same. There would be no more lying going forward.

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