Werewolf! Bakugou x Knight! Reader Pt. 3

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Three weeks. Three weeks had passed since you had rescued Bakugou from his prison at the bottom of the castle. Caution thrown to the wind, you brought him into your home and gave him a place to stay without hesitation. You'd heard stories of werewolves and their viciousness on your travels through towns listening to pub gossip...but Bakugou had been forced to fight in order to survive. Would he truly have been so ravenous had he not dealt with such torture?

You wanted to find out.

His first night there, he'd slept through the entire day on the floor of your home in front of the fire out of what you assumed was sheer exhaustion from his previous life catching up to him. From that day on, however, your daily routine shifted to either incorporate him into it or navigate around him completely.

Understandably, Bakugou didn't trust you at first. He'd followed you because he had nowhere else to go. Even though you'd saved him, you knew it would take a long time for him to trust anyone after what he'd been through.

He made you taste food you cooked first to make sure it wasn't poisoned before he ate it.

He watched you like a hawk as you went out to fetch wood and supplies.

He refused to engage in conversation at first outside of curt answers.

He bandaged his own wounds after the first time, slapping your hands away if you tried to touch him.

But, slowly, day by day, he warmed up to you.

With proper meals on his stomach, shelter from the rain, and a place to sleep at night you noticed a gradual change. His muscles gradually grew from the thin arms he'd fought you with in the rain. His hair and fur became softer-looking and healthy, like a stray dog after its first bath. The light returned to his dull red eyes until they glistened like garnets. The wound on his neck scabbed over as it healed. You knew the scar would never leave him - a permanent reminder of his slavery.

He also started helping you in your tasks in his own bizarre way. When you went out to chop wood, he claimed that you were doing it too slowly and grabbed the axe away from you to finish the job himself. When you went out to hunt for game, he followed you silently and pointed out things he could hear that you could not.

You also noticed small details that obviously carried over from his years of bondage into this new free life you'd given him. The first time you picked up a kitchen knife, he'd remained on the opposite side of the room until you'd put it away. Everything he picked up he put right back where he found it almost compulsively. It would take time to overcome all he'd been through, but maybe with enough patience and understanding he'd let you help him through it.

"Bakugou," you called while outside stacking wood. He turned to you without a word, his ears shifting in your direction. "I have to go to town tomorrow for supplies. Do you want to come with me?"

He stilled and narrowed his eyes. Suspicion of anything new you did was expected, especially when it possibly involved other people and a new location. You were the only person he'd seen and interacted with other than the evil wizard so his scale went from horribly malicious to what you hoped was good and kind. Nothing in between. That was all he knew.

"For what?" he asked curtly.

"There are things I need that I can't get here or make. Soap, for one." Bakugou hated the smell of your soap and had used it only once after you complained enough about his own odor. "Maybe you can find a smell you like?"

He groaned and went back to swinging the axe over his shoulder, splitting a piece of wood perfectly down the center. "I don't need soap."

You hummed and replied, "well, I do. And also...do you want new clothes? Some of your own, I mean?"

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