Before The Book Starts

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This story is under A TON of re-writes there is a butt-load of mistakes in pretty much every chapter, it's so unreal how many mistakes that I have done.

Also, thank you for all the reads on this book it's amazing!

1k 15/09/2017 (September 15th)
2k 19/10/2017 (October 19th)
3k 17/12/2017 (December 17th)
4k 06/01/2018 (January 6th)
5k 20/01/2018 (January 20th)
6k 11/03/2018 (11th March)
7k 22/03/2018 (22nd March)
8k 30/04/2018 (April 30th)
9k 15/05/2018 (May 15th)
10k 29/05/2018 (May 29th)
11k 03/06/2018 (June 3rd)
12K 21/06/2018 (June 21st)
13k 16/08/2018 (August 16th)
14k 19/09/2018 (September 19th)
15k 27/10/2018 (October 10th)
16k 30/11/2018 (November 30th)
17k 17/01/2019 (January 17th)
18k 10/02/2019 (Feb 10th)
19K 03/04/2019 (April 3rd)
20k 17/06/2019 (June 17th)
21k 31/10/2019 (Halloween/MCR's return date)
22k 10/02/2020 (Feb 10th)
23k 05/10/2020 (Oct 5th)

A few other things you should know about this book is that half the sentences are incomplete and I had no idea where I was going with this story. So if half the things don't make sense blame me. Well, I am the author so you kinda have to blame me as there is no one else to. I'm so weird.

I try to reply to all comments that I get on this book, but if there are questions they go into the QnA chapter I have towards the end of the book.

Anyway, this was just a quick "chapter" before the book actually started. Hope you enjoy it. Mistakes will soon be gone!

I wrote this when I was 12 so please don't judge the crappy writing and plot line

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