chapter 4

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I was at Meredith's dinner party which was fun but totally sucked because I couldn't be with Owen. I was sitting with Derek, Mer, Alex, Cristina, and Lexie.
"Okay guys," Cristina said, "intern rank go."
"That one Jo, yeah she's hot," Alex said.
"Alex shut up that's not what she meant," I said.
"Yeah I know," Alex said, "but I was putting it out there."
"You're stupid," Meredith said.
"Anyway," Cristina said.
"Amelia likes stealing Edwards from me," Derek said.
"Can you even do that? Steal interns?" Lexie asked.
"No," Derek chuckled.
"I bend the rules," I chuckled.
"I buy her coffee and give her my interns," Derek said.
"Exactly," I said.
"Okay but honestly I do like Jo," Meredith said, "she's smart and quick."
"Yeah," Cristina said, "Also sam."
"Hunt is pretty cool," Alex said. Derek kicked me under the table and I shot him a glance.
"I like Edwards," Lexie said.
"I do too," I said, "she's very smart and observant."
"Andrew and Levi are pretty chill," Derek said.
"But does 'chill' make good doctors?" I said.
"You're chill," Derek said.
"I'm a motherfucking badass bitch," I said and got up to get more vodka.
"She got you there she's not even wrong," Meredith said.
"Yeah," Lexie said. I looked across the room and saw Owen hanging out with the interns. He was so cute. He looked over my way and gave him a soft smile that nobody would see. I walked back over and sat back down next to Meredith.
I was talking to Stephanie, Sam, Jo, Levi, and Andrew when I saw Amelia get up and she smiled at me. I smiled back and I wanted to be with her so badly. I got pulled back into the conversation when Levi said, "wow shepherd is honestly so hot." I turned to him and said, "dude I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend."
"Levi we already had this conversation you have zero chance with her," Sam said.
"Levi's got a work crush," Jo teased.
"Dude Shut up Levi she'd never go for you," I said.
"Yeah seriously Levi stop before it gets embarrassing," Andrew said.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Edwards asked.
"Definitely us," Jo said.
"Yeah," I said. We stood there for a minute trying to focus in on their conversation but there was also music so it was kinda hard to focus in.
"I'm pretty sure shepherd just said Levi," Levi said.
"Bullshit," sam said, "and if one of them did it was probably like he's annoying."
"Actually I was talking about Derek Shepherd thank you," Levi said.
"They're probably so drunk," Edwards said, "I mean look at all the vodka bottles on the table."
"Yeah," I shrugged.
"Hey let's go to Joes," Andrew said.
"I'm in," Jo said.
"Yeah me too," I said.
"Yeah let's do it," Edwards said.
"Yeah I'm in," Levi said.
"Okay let's go!" Sam said. They all walked out to their cars and I realized Amelia and I took her car here.
"Hey Jo?" I said.
"Yeah?" She turned around.
"You know how I got here," I said, "so can you give me a ride?"
"Of course," she said. We got in her car and she started driving.
"How long are you going to keep it quiet?" She asked.
"We're not sure," I said.
"Did she want to keep it quiet? You? How did that work out?" She asked.
"It was a mutual decision," I said.
"It's really funny how Levi thinks he has a chance," she chuckled, "he's gonna flip his shit when he finds out you're the one whose with her."
"Yeah," I chuckled, "I cant wait to tell him."
"It's smart to keep it quiet," she said, "I admire that decision."
"Thanks," I said, "I'm gonna call Amelia real quick give me a minute."
"Okay take your time," she said. I dialed her number and she picked up almost immediately.
"Hey baby," I said.
"Hi," she said, "I'm alone so say whatever you wanna."
"Me and like Jo and them are going out to Joes just wanted to let ya know," I said.
"Oh shit I didn't even notice you and your gang was missing," she chuckled, "but okay did you take the car?"
"No Jo is giving me a ride I left the car for you," I said.
"Okay I'll see you at home then?" She said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Okay cool I love you," She said.
"I love you too," I said. I hung up and Jo smiled.
"That's cute," She said, "you and Shepherd are gonna be such a powercouple."
"Yeah," I chuckled. We pulled into Joes and Jo and I got out and walked into Joes to meet everyone.
The party at Meredith's was wrapping up and I wondered if Owen was almost done at Joes so that we could spend some quality time together. I sent him a text.
"Almost done at Joes? If not no worries have fun!" I said.
"Actually was just going to text you that Jo is giving me a ride back to the apartment, meet you there?" He sent.
"Yup!" I sent, "Love you"
"Love you too," he sent.
"Hey I'm gonna head out," I said to Meredith, "thanks for a fun night."
"Anytime," She said.
"Hey night," I said and hugged Derek.
"Do I need to drive you home?" He asked.
"No I'm fine Derek," I said.
"Okay," He said, "Goodnight I love you."
"I love you too," I said. I unlocked my car and drove home. I took the elevator because I was so tired. I walked down the hall and Owen was just unlocking the door.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," he chuckled, "perfect timing."
"Yeah," I said, "How was Joes?"
"It was good," he said, "Mers?"
"Good," I said.
"You look tired," he said.
"Yeah," I said, "I need a shower wanna save water?" He smiled at me and kissed my lips.
I got out of the shower with Owen and I was physically exhausted. This week at work had been so much and I was so tired.
"You need sleep," Owen said.
"If you weren't in the shower I would have fallen asleep in there," I joked.
"Let's get some sleep," he said. We laid down on our bed and I looked over at the picture on Owens nightstand.
"Oh my god we're so cute," I said and grabbed the photo.
"Yeah," he smiled.
"We're so young," I chuckled.
"I was thinking that the other day," he said.
"Isn't it insane how I'm 15 in this photo and now I'm 28," I said.
"I know," he said, "little did we know this is where we'd end up."
"I wouldn't want it any other way," I smiled.

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