chapter 48

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I opened my eyes and I was laying next to Owen in our cute hotel room on the beach. We were finally married. I was so happy. I rolled over into him and nuzzled into his side.
"Hey," He said.
"Hi," I said.
"Good morning my beautiful wife," he said.
"Good morning my handsome husband," I smiled.
"What do you wanna do today?" He asked.
"Can we call my mom real quick I want to talk to the kids," I said.
"Yeah," He said, still a little groggy.
"And then maybe go to the beach?" I suggested.
"Yeah," He said and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.
"Someone's tired," I chuckled.
"Mhm," he mumbled.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," He said.
Owen and I were laying out on the beach. I looked over at him and smiled. I sat up and suddenly felt a little sick. I didn't want to worry Owen so I told him I had to pee and I'd be right back. I threw on a shirt and ran back to the hotel room. I could feel myself getting nauseous. I ran into the bathroom and started throwing up.
"Oh my god," I said to myself, "oh my god I'm pregnant." I ran downstairs to the store in the hotel and bought a pregnancy test. I got a text from Owen that read "everything okay? love u🤩". I smiled and sent back "All is good be back down in a few, love you too😍". I ran back upstairs and took the pregnancy test. I set a timer on my phone and paced back and forth. My timer went off and I picked up the test and looked down. It was positive.
"Oh my god!" I screamed. I grabbed my phone and called Owen.
"Hey what's up?" He said.
"Can you come back to the room for a minute?" I asked.
"Yeah is everything okay?" He said.
"Yeah everything is great," I said. Moments later he opened the door and I poked my head out from the bathroom.
"Hey what's up?" He said confused. I held out the pregnancy test.
"Oh my god," he said. He hugged me tightly and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I hugged him tightly. I was so happy, but I was also so scared.
"Owen," I said.
"Yeah?" He said.
"I'm scared," I said.
"Me too it's okay," He said.
"What If I miscarriage again?" I said.
"You won't I promise," he said, "we can do this, it'll be alright."
"Another baby," I smiled.
"Another baby," he smiled.

after college (a sequel to my high school lover)Where stories live. Discover now