chapter 5

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Amelias alarm went off and I rolled over and looked at my clock and it was 10.
"Ugh," she mumbled, "you up?"
"Yeah," I said. I rolled over into her and pulled her into me.
"When do you have to go to work?" I asked.
"11," She said.
"Then why are we awake now?" I chuckled.
"Cause you have to go in at 10:30," She said.
"Oh shit do I actually," I said.
"Yeah," she chuckled.
"I literally hate Levi," I said.
"He seems annoying," she said.
"He'd be fine if he wasn't trying to get in your pants," I said.
"Ew is he actually," She said.
"He thinks you're really hot," I said.
"I mean I am but," she chuckled.
"Yeah you are," I said.
"After hearing that I need another shower," she chuckled and got up.
"No you don't come here," I said. I grabbed her hand as she walked past me and pulled her back in bed.
"You could shower with me," she suggested cutely.
"In 5 minutes?" I suggested.
"Yeah," she said and crawled back into bed. I checked my phone and last night the interns and I made a groupchat which was probably the worst idea ever just because Levi was drunk.
"What time are we supposed to be there today?" Sam sent, "sorry I forgot."
"10:30," I sent.
"Okay thanks Owen," she sent.
"No problem," I sent. I put my phone down.
"Wow That groupchat looks like a lot of fun," Amelia chuckled.
"Tell me about it," I said.
"I don't wanna get up," She said.
"Me either," I said.
"Can I sleep on the way there?" She chuckled.
"Some things never change," I smiled.
We pulled into work and Amelia looked at me funny.
"Dude were so stupid someone is gonna see us get out of the same car," she chuckled.
"I hope Levi does," I said.
"You literally have permission to beat the shit out of him," she chuckled. We got out and sure enough Levi came over to us. Amelia rolled her eyes and I chuckled.
"Good morning doctor shepherd," Levi said.
"Good morning," she said and looked back at me. Levi started talking Amelias ear off and she looked like she wanted to kill herself.
"Okay yeah cool I'll talk to you later," Amelia said and that made Levi stop talking. He walked in another direction which left Amelia and I alone for a little bit.
"I kinda feel bad that was kinda mean," she said.
"It wasn't mean," I said, "it was a polite rejection."
"Yeah," she chuckled.
"Are you on call tonight?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"Oh," I said.
"Yeh sorry," she said.
"It's okay," I said. We both walked over to the board in the hospital to see whose service I was on and who was on Amelias.
"You're kidding," Amelia said.
"What who?" I said. She turned to me and pointed to her line which read "L, Schmitt"
"Dude I'm sorry," I said.
"Oh my god," she said, "there's not enough coffee in the world for this."
"Good luck," I said.
"Thanks," She said, "who are you on?"
"Meredith," I said.
"You're a lucky ass intern you've got all the connections," she chuckled.
"Yeah," I chuckled.
"Okay well gotta go find my intern," she said and paged him.
"He's probably like 'oh my god dr shepherd paged me she's so fucking hot'" I said.
"You sound jealous," Amelia said.
"Yeah well," I said, "I don't like it when other people call my girlfriend hot."
"Girlfriend?" Levi said. Owen and I turned around, shocked that he was standing there listening.
"Uh," Amelia said, "it was Levi right?"
"You're the boyfriend?" Levi asked.
"Please Don't Tell anyone," I said.
"Why?" Levi said, "because everyone will know you're only sleeping with her to get higher up."
"Shut up because you have no idea what's going on," Amelia said sternly.
"Yeah seriously stop," I said mad.
"Does everyone else know?" Levi said.
"No," I said, "please don't tell anyone, they'll get the wrong idea like you."
"Then What is the right idea?" Levi said.
"That Owen and I have been together for 13 years," Amelia said.
"No shot," Levi said. Amelia pulled up a photo of us from 13 years ago and he looked shocked.
"Don't Tell anyone or I'll make you internship a living hell," Amelia said.
"Yeah okay fair enough," he said.
"Thank you," I said.
"Dude why did you let me call your girlfriend hot and shit?" Levi said.
"Okay that's enough we have jobs," Amelia said. She walked off with Levi and I met Andrew to be on Meredith's service.
Having Levi on my service wasn't too bad, but he knew. It bothered me that he knew but whatever.
"You seem mad at me," Levi said.
"Wow an observant person you are," I said.
"So really 13 years?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said. I scrubbed into a surgery with him so i needed to focus. He kept rattling on about something probably involving Owen but i didn't really care. It got super annoying and I looked at him.
"Can you shut up?" I said, "someone's life is on the table and you're rambling about god knows what."
"Sorry," He said. I let him scrub in with me but he wasn't going to do much.
The surgery was finally over and Levi was no longer on my service so thank god. I was still on call tonight so I had to stay here. I opened Dereks office door and he was laying on the couch on his phone.
"Hey," He said.
"Hey," I said, "Can I chill here?"
"Yeah," He said, "oncall rooms full of interns?"
"Probably," I said, "I had to spend an entire day with Levi so I'm done."
"Is that the one who thinks you're hot?" He asked.
"Yeah and he kinda found out about Owen and I," I said.
"Ouch," He said, "when are you going to tell everyone?"
"I don't know," I said.
"Okay," He said.
"Did you and Meredith talk about having kids or did it just happen?" I asked.
"Oh my god you want to have kids now?" He said, "this is huge Amy."
"I don't know how to bring it up to Owen I mean I know we aren't married but we've been together so long but I just really want kids but I don't know when the right time would be," I said.
"Just ask him," he said.
"How?" I said.
"Just be like do you want kids? Or something," He said.
"It's crazy because when we were kids all we talked about was having kids together and everything but now we're so caught up in our careers," I shrugged.
"Yeah I get it," Derek said, "same happened to me, and then we adopted Zola and had Bailey."
"Okay," I said, "ill keep it in mind."
It was close to 2am when I walked into the apartment. Owen was still up watching TV.
"Hey," He said.
"Hey," I said.
"What's wrong?" He said.
"Nothing," I said.
"No your voice did that thing," he said.
"That thing?" I questioned.
"Yeah that thing when you're upset and worried so your voice gets a little shaky," he said, "so what's wrong?"
"I wanna have kids," I said.
"Okay," He said, "me too."
"And I know that it's not a good time to have kids but I mean is there ever a good time? I know you're in the middle of your internship and I'm in the middle of my residency but I really wanna have kids," I said.
"I feel the same way Amelia," He said, "But I have a question for you."
"Okay," I said.
"Hold on its a surprise," he said.
"Owen I don't like surprises," I said.
"You'll like this one," He said. He came up behind me and but his hands over my eyes.
"Just walk Okay?" He said.
"You better not walk me into a wall," I laughed and put my hands on his arms.
"I'll try not to," I said.
"Okay don't freak out but we're going into the elevator," he said.
"Okay," I said. I was so curious as to what was going on. The elevator doors opened and Owen took his his hands off my eyes and took my hand. He brought me out to the roof where there were pretty lights and candles. That's when I knew he was going to propose.

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