chapter 25

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Meredith and I were freaking out. I knew I never should have left, but I thought we'd be okay for a few hours. We were still in the airport so I called the hospital and explained and they understood, it wasn't a life saving surgery so they will reschedule. I ran to the front desk to get a flight back, there was a huge line and I was panicking. I ran in front of everyone and looked at the worker.
"My fiancé is going into labor we need the first flight to Seattle please," I said, "and I am so sorry to everyone I just cut but this is so important."
"Okay the next flight is in 20 minutes," he said.
"We'll take it," I said.
"There's only one seat," he said.
"I'll take it is there another flight soon for her?" I said.
"Owen don't worry about me you need to go," Meredith said.
"I will print your ticket," he said, "and congratulations."
"Thank you," I said. He gave me the ticket and Meredith went to get the next flight. I sped through security and got on the plan with the last call. I sat down in the last plane and sat down. I called Amelia again.
"Hey how are you doing?" I said, "I'm on a plane home I promise you I'll be there."
"Um my contractions are getting closer together," she said, "oh my god this hurts."
"I'll be there in 4 hours," I said, "I'm so sorry I left."
"Oh my god 4 hours," she said, "Okay it's okay I'm with Derek."
"I got the last seat Meredith with be a few hours behind," I said.
"Okay," She said. The pilot came over The overcome and said to Shut our phones off.
"Hey I need to shut my phone off I promise I won't miss it," I said, "I love you."
"I love you too," She said. I hung up and I was still freaking out. I had to get there in time.
I was so stressed out and in so much pain. I just got off the phone with him and it would be four hours before he'd be here. I was scared because my contractions just went from 12 minutes apart to 8.
"God I need drugs," I said, "Derek when did the nurse say she'll come?"
"In like an hour," he said.
"Oh my god," I said.
"Amelia Owen will get here I promise," he said.
"What if he doesn't?" I said and started crying.
"He will," He said and comforted me.
"Holy shit this hurts," I said.
It had been 2 hours and I was exhausted, I was in so much pain and I finally got an epidural. Arizona came in to check on me since she'll be delivering my baby.
"Okay Amelia you're at 5cm," she said, "so you're halfway there."
"Okay," I said.
"Have you heard from Owen?" She said.
"He should be here in an hour," I said.
"Okay," She said. I got a contraction and looked at the timer and they were now 6 minutes apart.
"Okay you might be moving quicker with labor," she said.
"Can someone call Owen again?" I said.
"Amy he's in the air we can't reach him," Derek said.
I was almost in Seattle thank god. I was also sitting towards the front of the plane so I could leave quicker, some nice lady let me switch with her. I could only think about Amelia. I hate that she's in pain right now and I'm not there for her.
The plane landed and I could leave any minute. I called Amelia as I ran off the plane.
"Hey I'm 15 minutes away from the hospital I'm getting in a taxi now," I said.
"Owen you need to hurry," Amelia said, "Arizona wants me to push now, I can only hold off for so long."
"Okay," I said, "Okay I'm coming I promise."
"Make it quick please," she begged.
"Can you drive any quicker?" I asked the taxi driver, "my fiancé is going to give birth any second."
"Yes," He said and went quicker.
"Amelia are you okay how are you doing?" I said.
"This hurts so bad," She said, "how far are you?"
"5 minutes," I said.
"Okay Amelia you are going to have to start pushing," Arizona said. I was squeezing Dereks hand and I knew I couldn't push until Owen was here.
"Arizona I cant!" I said, "I can't without Owen here."
"Okay I know," she said, "you can't hold off too long."
"Okay," I said, holding off pushing hurt so badly but I had to do it for Owen. He said he was five minutes away and I heard footsteps in the hall. Owen came running in.
"Thank god," I said and he ran over to me and kissed my head and grabbed my hand.
"Amelia I am so sorry," he started.
"Not the time," I said, "it's okay you're here."
"Okay Amelia push," Arizona said. I started pushing and it was too much.
"Owen I can't," I said crying. He squeezed my hand.
"Amelia look at me," He said softly.
"I can't do this!" I was still crying.
"Yes you can," He said, "look at me, just breathe, I promise you you can do this, all you have to do is calm down okay? don't stress out I'm here now Okay? I love you."
"I love you too," I said.
"You can do this," he said.
Amelia was crying and getting worked up and I knew not being there in the beginning stressed her out. I got her to calm down and she finally began pushing. She squeezed my hand tightly.
"God this hurts!" She said.
"Okay you're almost there Okay?" I said softly to calm her down. We heard a cry and Amelia leaned into me.
"Okay Amelia you're almost there with baby number 2, just keep pushing now," Arizona said. I knew Amelia was exhausted, I could see it.
"Okay baby you're almost there," I said.
"Okay," She said, "I want it to be over."
"It will be," I said.
"Okay Amelia you're doing good," Arizona said.
"I thought the second kid was supposed to be easier," Amelia said in pain.
"You're almost there I promise," I said. After a few moments we heard another cry. Amelia leaned into my shoulder and I put my arm around her.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," She said.
"Okay guys name time," Arizona smiled.
"Oh uh the older boy is Lucas Christopher Shepherd-Hunt," She smiled at Owen.
"And the younger boy is Ethan Jacob Shepherd-Hunt," I smiled.
"Adorable you guys!" Arizona said, "they are being sent to the nicu, Amelia definitely get some rest and you guys can see them soon!"
"Yay thank you!" Amelia said. She left with the babies and Amelia started to fall asleep on my shoulder. I chuckled and kissed her head.
"We're parents," she mumbled cutely.
"And indeed we are," I said.

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