chapter 15

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"Congratulations you guys!" Arizona smiled.
"Oh my god," Amelia smiled at me.
"I love you," I said and kissed her head.
"I love you too," Amelia said.
"I'm assuming you guys want pictures right?" Arizona said.
"Yes," Amelia and I smiled.
"Okay and if you guys want to know the gender we should shoot around 17 weeks, but that's far so I think we should do a twelve week appointment and then seventeen sounds good?" Arizona said.
"Yes," Amelia said, "is that good?"
"Yeah that's perfect thank you so much Arizona," I said.
"Of course you guys!" She said, "and congratulations again you guys."
"Thank you," Amelia and I smiled. Her pager beeped as she handed us the photos and she said goodbyes and Amelia turned to me.
"Twins!" She said, "I'm so excited!"
"Me too," I said and kissed her softly.
I was scrubbing into a surgery with Meredith.
"Hey how'd the ultrasound go?" She asked.
"It went really well," I said.
"How far along are you? You're already showing a little bit," she said.
"I mean that's what happens when there's two in there," I said.
"Oh my god!" She said, "no way twins?"
"Yes way," I chuckled.
"Oh my god Amelia!" She said, "that's great!"
"I'm so excited," I said, "you should have seen Owen he's so cute he's so happy."
"I've never seen you two happier," she smiled, "I like it, you two will make great parents."
"Aw thank you," I said, getting a tad emotional.
I was walking with Arizona talking about future appointments when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Megan.
"Hey I'm sorry I gotta take this," I said.
"No it's fine," she said, "I'll catch you later."
"Alright see ya," I said and accepted the call.
"Hey Meg what's up?" I said.
"Owen," she said sobbing.
"Megan what's wrong?" I said and stopped walking.
"Owen I-I, can you pick me up? I'm on the cor-corner of 9 and 5 by Starbucks," she said crying.
"Megan what happened? What's wrong? I'm on my way Okay?" I said.
"Okay," She said crying, "I'm sorry I know you're at work."
"Megan it's fine Okay? I will be there Okay?" I said, because clearly she didn't want to explain. I rushed down the hall and saw Miranda Bailey.
"Bailey," I said quickly, "can someone cover for me I-I have to go."
"Hunt go where? What's wrong? Is everything okay with Shepherd?" She asked.
"Yeah she's fine, my sister she called me crying and I don't know what's wrong," I said.
"Okay, Yeah go," She said, "I'll get someone or I'll do it."
"Okay thank you so much," I said and rushed out the doors to go find Megan.
I pulled up to where Megan was and she was sobbing on a park bench. I parked and she saw me and ran around my car and into the front seat. We were both silent and she was silently sobbing next to me.
"What happened?" I said.
"Nathan he-he cheated on me," she started, "and I found out obviously, and he kicked me out, I have nowhere to go, and I really really loved him Owen, and he had been sleeping with this other girl for so long."
"Megan I am so sorry," I said and hugged her, "but you don't have nowhere to go, you can stay with Amelia and I for however long you need Okay?"
"Owen you don't have to," she said, "but thank you."
"Megan, stay with us," I said.
"Are you sure?" She said, "i can find somewhere, I just needed you to pick me up for now but you guys have a baby on the way it's okay I can stay with mom or Lila."
"It's okay Megan, I want you to stay with us, I'm sure Amelia will be fine with it, and I want to make sure you're okay," I said, "And I'm beating Nathan up."
"No Owen please," she said, "I don't need more drama with him please."
"Okay," I said, "And it's two, not one."
"What?" She said confused.
"Well you said we have a baby on the way, but actually we have two," I said.
"Oh my god no way! That's amazing!" She smiled.
"Smile more," I said, "fuck Nathan you don't need him."
"I really loved him," she said as her voice broke.
"Oh Megan," I said.
"I mean what was so great about her anyway? Why didn't he just tell me? I mean I had to catch her in our bed to find out? I mean yeah she's prettier than me and stuff-" she said but I cut her off by saying, "Megan stop, she's not better than you, and there's no way she's prettier than you, he's an asshole okay? He didn't deserve you."
"Can we go to your place and eat ice cream?" She said.
"Of course we can," I said.
"Where's Amelia?" She said confused.
"Work," I said.
"Oh okay," she said, "are you sure you're okay with me staying?" She said as I unlocked the door.
"Meg," I said, "it's fine."
"Thank you so much I love you," She said and hugged me.
"I love you too," I said. I now just noticed that she had a duffle bag with her and she set it on the floor.
"It was what Nathan let me grab before he kicked me out," she said quietly.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"It's not your fault," she said.
"It is also not your fault," I said.
"Owen why wasn't I good enough?" She said crying, which broke my heart.
I got out of surgery and I was supposed to meet Owen for lunch, which with our busy schedules was at 4. I walked into the cafeteria and didn't see Owen. I looked at my phone and I had a text message from him that said "call me", which got me supper worried. I sat down and called him.
"Hey is everything okay?" I said.
"Um no," he said, "Nathan cheated on Megan, and she's so upset right now, and she got kicked out and can she stay with us for a little while?"
"Owen of course she can," I said, "she can stay in the guest room, poor thing."
"When do you come home?" He begged, "she's crying a lot and I'm trying everything and it's not working and I know she wants to let it out but I don't know what to do anymore."
"I'll be home around 5," I said, "just be there for her, let the girl cry."
"Okay," He said, "I love you."
"I love you too," I said.

after college (a sequel to my high school lover)Where stories live. Discover now