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Dear diary-
Well today was a ..good day ,wow I'm actually saying the word good for once ,things are finally beginning to settle down . Me and Enzo visited the lake house Saturday morning and stayed there till Sunday afternoon ,it was amazing ,I feel really guilty for lying ,I mean I knew they'd find out ,I just have everyone on my back at the moment . Enzo cooked a meal for us and I guess we had a few bottles of wine .. I really can't remember what happened after that ..well I can but I'd prefer not to write it down ...
Obviously when we both walked through the door of my house everyone was there Alaric ,Stefan ,Caroline ,Matt and even Jeremy?! I kind of looked at them with a strange clueless look as if to say why are you all here? Stefan grabbed Enzo and took him outside ,I tried to grab stefan but he was too strong and everyone was holding me back ..but the worst part was seeing Stefan be thrown to the floor ,I knew stefan wasn't a vampire but still Enzo was not that strong ,but guess what more secrets? Enzo's a vampire ..guess I didn't see that one coming ,and he's been compelling me to love him ,stefan and Caroline are guarding my room right now which is quite funny considering I'm a grown woman . Apparently Enzo wanted to get back at Damon for what he did , but Damon isn't here anymore ... I can remember everything Enzo made me do and I hate him ,I feel so hurt inside and I just want Damon back but he's dead and so is my best friend Bonnie .but there is a way ..Maybe if I die ...I will be at peace with Damon ..maybe .
I can feel such anger rising inside of me ,I just want to rip his head off , god I wish I was a vampire right now ! He's been compelling me ,how can such an evil human being be capable of doing such horrible things to get back at his dead best friend , I HATE HIM SO MUCH . So I'm sat on my bed in my room writing down Enzo's name and words to describe him , such as dick ,ass hole and liar .
The most amazing thing just happened .. 20 minutes ago Stefan and Car stormed into my room with someone behind them ..it was bonnie! Even though this sounds quite rude but I instantly asked if Damon was with her ,but she said she's going to do a spell and he should be back tomorrow . I can feel my heart pounding ,damon is going to be in my arms in less than 24 hours ..how can I possibly wait that long?

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