Peace at last

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"Wow this is a good place ,Damon" elena whispered as she held a few sheets of paper in her hand .

Damon took the sheets off Elena and scanned through them as his blue eyes glistened back and forth

"Hmm bit expensive.."

Elena threw a pillow at his face "seriously? Too expensive Damon, we're vampires for Christ sake steal things ,so no it's not too expensive"

Damon stared at her and burst into laughter before admitting that he was joking .

"Yes Elena that's a perfect place ,so ..all that's left is the honeymoon ey?"

"Yes Damon our amazing honeymoon,geez where will that be?"

"I told you Elena ,Paris is perfect "

"Damon it's too expensive "she laughed as she mimicked an impression of him.

Damon pushed past the paperwork and grabbed Elena before leaning in and kissing her.

"I love you Damon Salvatore"

"And I love you Elena Gil-"

Elena put her finger against Damon's lips and whispered "Salvatore "

Elena pulled herself up and sat on Damon's lap

"So..what do we do now I mean Mikael is dead isn't he? You know dead-dead?"

"Yes Elena as dead as anyone can possibly be" he smirked

"But Jeremy and Bonnie's left ,and so has Care and Stefan, the mikaelsons have finally gone as well ..I mean Tyler's out of the picture..."

"Maybe we should move away then, move and start over somewhere new away from everyone else ?"

Elena stared at the floor

"What away from everyone? No we couldn't do that Damon ?"

"Elena everyone's moved away from us? We can't be tormented by anyone if we move away ,just think about it"

"But Meredith and Ric ? Matt?"

"Whatever Elena it's up to you.."

Elena sat up and cleared the table before fetching a cup of coffee


"Nah I'll go get some blood"

Elena glared at Damon "we agreed to try and keep as less blood as possible in our system?"elena moaned

"Well Elena remember you're not human anymore-?" Damon stared at her

"Oh my god ..I'm not a hybrid anymore "elena gasped and felt her head

Damon stood up and walked over to her feeling her arm

"You knew ?its been weeks since the situation with Mikael?? What's going on Elena?"

"Since the situation with Mikael being you ..I've been forgetting that's all..I just keep on thinking I'm a vampire ..I think I need Bonnie ,she can help I'm sure" Elena smiled .

Damon gave Elena a worried look before grabbing his jacket and opening the door , elena swung her head round the kitchen door before calling Damon

"Hey ! Where do you think you're going? Ric and Meredith are coming over for food? You're meant to be helping me ,Damon?"

Damon rolled his eyes and closed the door "I can't cook elena it's pointless in me staying I was going to see Ric anywa-"

"Damon?! So what you can drink some whiskey no thanks ,I'm not dealing with you two drunk ,you're staying here and helping me " elena shouted .

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