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Dear diary ,
How can I possibly describe how today was ...simply the best day of my life !waiting for hours in my lounge for Bonnie to walk through my door with Damon behind her , it was torture! That's all I did today was wait and wait for the door bell to go ,I promised myself that I'd be there when they both walked in ,but after all the waiting I kind of fell asleep .. I mean it was literally 1pm but still The amount of stress that I've been going through ..trust me you'd be tired! But you know when you get a feeling ..a warm cosy feeling ,well this afternoon I felt that feeling ,the feeling of someone's hand brush against my cheek , I instantly woke up to Damon sat next to me . he hadn't changed ,not one bit he was just staring at me ,I hugged him so tight ..but that hug turned into a kiss and ..yeah basically ;)
We spent the afternoon catching up he told me how this was possible ! How Grams had got in touch with some witches to keep Bonnie safe on a different kind of other side "basically heaven " ,but because Damon was holding Bonnie's hand when they died ..he went with her . They described heaven as heaven really ,a wonderful calm place and how they looked down on us every now and again , jeez I love him ,I've never felt a love so strong , I finally want to settle down and start a family with him and now that he's human well ..he's a different person but I love him the same ..maybe a bit more..
the worst part of today was telling him about Enzo , I've never seen him so angry ,he just stood up and left ..I mean I didn't know what to do , Ric tried to stop him but damon just pushed him across the room ..how was he still so strong ? But the worst part was Damon not knowing Enzo was still a vampire . We went out looking for him but we couldn't find him ,we searched the whole town ,but there was no sign of him until we got home ..there was blood everywhere ,including all over Damon . I ran towards him afraid I was going to loose him again ,but he wouldn't move ,he was just laying there , so I rang his brother ..Stefan . him and Car rushed over and Stefan examined him ,he was just laying on the floor trembling looking at me and trying to reach out . I can still see Stefan's look ,the look he gave me , the same look he gave me when Vicki was about to turn ... What he told me was not bad ..it was terrible " Elena , he's in transition " , did I dare ask what he was transitioning into ..

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