New orleans

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I'd awoken from my deep sleep ,was this happening ,where am I ? Blue plated walls surround me ,the rooms so bright and beautiful , beautiful pieces of art surround me , where the heck am I?
Elena tried to stand up as she realised she was tied to a chair , the sound of heavy footsteps approached ,Elena started to shake wondering who had done this to her but the only thing going through her mind was where's Matt ? "Klaus I know you're here ,I can see your shitty paintings on the wall ,let Matt go where is he? KLAUS "she screamed .
"darling keep your voice down , didn't get much sleep last night you see so you screeching around isn't making my mood improve ,so do you mind shutting up before I do it myself " came a voice from the room nearest to her ,but this voice was not Klaus ,but his ..
"kol ? What do you want? Let me go ,please I want to leave ,where's Klaus?"
"Too many questions love , I will tell you all you need to hear ,basically Klaus has this weird possession over you ,with his hybrids and well we kind of want him dead , he's wrecked our lives and turned us into beasts ,oh and I've brought my father back , so I guess we're going to torture you for the fun of it ,see you later Elenaaa" he grinned and started to walk away
"wait , where's Matt?"
"Giving the message to the Salvatore brothers of course " Kol smirked

Elena tied her hands underneath her chair and began to pull , "Damn it" she squealed , the doors opened and the Mikaleson family walked through ,they looked different ..stronger and more evil ,they had this look in their eyes , the look of pure evilness , Esther, mikael ,Kol and Fin all stood in a line staring at her .
"What have I done? I've done nothing ,I'm not involved with this ,please let me go "
Mikael began to walk over to Elena grabbing her throat "you have brought pure evil onto this earth ,giving klaus more of your blood so he can breed his hybrids ,it's time you died and stayed dead for once Elena gilbert this has gone too far ,and i am sick of hiding from these silly little hybrids my puny son has created "he screamed in her face.
Elena grabbed onto his hands ,trying to force them away from her throat but her breaths became shorter and shorter , her heart began to stop ,so near to death ..
"MIKAEL" Esther screamed " remove your hands at once ,what is the point in killing her before getting Klaus's attention ,let us leave at once my children , Kol put her down with the others my child"
Kol grinned and nodded at his mother ,they left the room and Kol unchained Elena from the chair ,he dragged her down these hard metal stairs and into this sort of dungeon ,he threw her into a cell as he kicked her against the wall . Blood started to drip from her head ,and marks began to appear on her neck .
An arm reached out and was shoved into her mouth ,as she began to drink .."Damon ..Damon" she whispered
"Not exactly love ,I might be your worst nightmare ,but I'd be pretty glad to see me right now " klaus grinned and picked her up , was this the first time Elena had actually been happy to see Klaus ?
He carried her and began to run outside and quickly put elena in the car , a car pulled up behind and the Salvatore brothers sprinted out towards Elena,but before they reached her the Mikaelsons pulled Klaus and Elena and put a knife to her throat .
"ELENA " Damon cried , "what do you want Esther " stefan asked with a low tone
" we want a lot of things Stefan ,but we cannot kill Klaus ,but we can kill his energy source that is keeping his hybrids alive .."
"Esther please , don't do this ,she's all I have left" Damon cried .
A quick flash appeared and a body fell to the ground , Esther was laying dead on the ground with Caroline standing behind her "seriously no one invited me ?" She shouted with anger
Damon rushed over to Elena and picked her up "Elena ,Elena can you hear me ..Elena ?!!"
She laid there silent
"I'm sorry for letting you go ,I will never do that again I promise you , I've been meaning to ask you something Elena " he mumbled , he kissed her forehead and her eyes opened as a tear fell
"Elena will you marry me?" .

Elena Gilbert's journalWhere stories live. Discover now