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Elena awoke in Damon's arms on their bed she sat up and stared up at him confused as in how she got there "Damon..how did i get here? what's happened?" she whispered with her sore throat . "I saved you of course can't be marrying a corpse now can i?" he laughed sarcastically Elena sat up and pulled him in softly for a kiss Damon rolled over on top of her and removed the stranded piece of hair from her face and smoothed it behind her ear , Damon kissed her forehead before un-wrapping his arms from her waist and walking out of the bedroom .Elena sat up and stared around before spinning her body round and heading for the door ,she trotted down the stairs searching for Damon "Damon? Damon where'd you go?"she called . "Elena i told you to stay in bed for christ sake!" Damon snapped . Elena glared at Damon and scanned his body from side to side "What are you hiding?! tell me now Damon" she glared folding her arms . "Nothing of course Elena ,please go back to bed sweetie ,you need to rest?" he grabbed Elena and pointed towards the stairs ,Elena walked and then stopped before turning around angrily - "No you listen here two nights ago i was taken to fricking Kol by Stefan and tortured ,i have no memory of how the hell i got here and where everyone is ,so how about you tell me what's going on now?!" Damon rolled his eyes "Fine! God!" he muttered "Basically me ,Ric and Enzo came up to save your arse and we kind of brought Kol with us ,but he's sort of dead ,we're going to kill him for good and we have 3 witches to do the spell ,now everyone's home because hmm elena maybe because it's 2am " Elena unfolded her hands and put them on her hips "What?! klaus will kill you Damon!! I am not loosing you just to save my arse?! -" "Because Elena i cannot loose you i almost lost you once and i am not willing to do it again ,he will not stop trying to hurt or kill you ,we need to end this ,now trust me " he whispered before cupping Elena's face ,he pulled her in and knelt his chin on her head . " So in the morning you're going over to Caroline's with Little Gilbert ,while me Ric ,Enzo and Stefan sort little Kol out ..with the help of some witches " . Elena slowly nodded her head and agreed before pulling Damon in for a kiss "Fine..But promise me you will sort Stefan out ok? He's not himse;f

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