Which brother?

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"You have to be kidding me Caroline ?"elena screamed "you left Stefan because you're in love with klaus?! What the hell ?!"

Caroline sat down with her hands laid on her lap "well I'm sorry Elena but I don't love Stefan ,the reason we moved away was-"

"So you could secretly have an affair with klaus? I know exactly why"

Caroline stood up "no elena so we could get away from all of this ,but you wouldn't listen anyway you left Stefan for Damon you broke his heart you bitch but he still isn't over you "

Elena stood by the door and held it open "get out "she whispered .

Damon came running downstairs as he scanned Caroline and Elena

"What the hells going on?"

Elena looked up at Caroline "she's cheated on Stefan with Klaus ,and she's basically come to tell us she's moving away for good to New Orleans ,did I miss anything out Caroline?"

"For Christ sake Elena grow up ,that isn't what happened ..I just don't love him and he doesn't love me ..he admitted he still loves you ..Elena ,and I can't live like that ok?" She stormed out of the house .

"Just leave and don't bother coming back you two face-"

"Elena for Christ sake ,she's one of your best friends ,one of your bridesmaids you're over reacting" Damon called as he grabbed her arm.

"Not anymore ,so I take it Stefan's coming home then?"

"Nah I doubt it Elena ..he'll feel embarrassed about everything "

"I'm going to ring him tomorrow he needs to know he can come home , everything's been a disaster lately so we need to sort everything out"

"So my brother still has feelings for you? Even though we're getting married "

Elena kissed Damon "I don't love him Damon ok?"

~following day~

"He hasn't been answering ,Damon I'm worried ,there's too much to do at the moment the wedding Is in a few weeks and ..I don't have a dress Damon "

Damon sat down by the fire "well you could go in your casual clothes ,you'd still look sexy" he laughed

"This is serious ,we need to sort things out I don't even know who's coming ?!"

"Elena relax everything is sorted ,anyway I have a surprise for you "

"I don't have time for surprises Damon-"

The door flew open and Bonnie was stood there with Jeremy and Sandra elena flew over to them and held them all in a group hug

"I'm so happy you're here ,I've missed you so much "elena cried

"It's good to see you Elena "Jeremy laughed

Damon walked behind elena and held her in tightly "happy now?"he laughed

Elena nodded and kissed his cheek ,they all walked in and jumped onto the sofa .

"Elena you ,Bonnie and Sandra are going to go dress shopping today ,you can chill with your two best friends and relax ,no more stressing ok?"he laughed

Elena looked up and nodded

"Wait where's Caroline?"Bonnie interrupted .

Elena glared at the floor "she's gone Bonnie ,I don't want to talk about it to he honest "

"Elena what's happened? Caroline's one of our best friends ?"

"Not anymore ,she left Stefan for Klaus and she's abandoned us for good to live in New Orleans with Klaus after everything he's done to us? He killed Jenna ,carol and many more ,she's left Stefan broken hearted"

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