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Dear diary ,

Well today has been how do I put it ..a good day..? Wow I'm actually saying good for once ,we now have Kol off of the list but now we have to add Klaus and there's a possibility Katherine ,should I be worried that there's so many people that want to kill me??!! Today me and Damon basically stayed in bed all day it was the best feeling ever just laying with our bodies touching , man I love him so much ,we finished off the wedding plans but we've extended the date a bit far back .. Next year?? I mean Caroline had a fit because I think she was looking forward to this wedding more than me? We kind of had too I mean with Klaus nor Katherine showing up ready for revenge we don't know what they have planned ,I mean if they know we're having a wedding they're obviously going to try and destroy it and I can't handle that ,I want our wedding day to be simply the b e s t.

Bonnie and Jeremy came over today and we had a chat I think they're both really settling down now ,I mean they have their small cute cottage right outside of mystic falls which is like 5 minutes away from the lake house ,me and Damon are gathering the rest of our things ready to finally settle down there,I think we need it . On the other hand I feel pretty guilty for leaving Stefan I mean him and Caroline are going through a really hard time ,she doesn't have feelings for him anymore I think ..I don't really know what to do I mean everyone's telling me to let them figure it out for themselves but one minute they're getting married and then they're breaking up?! I think Stefan and Caroline deserve each other , klaus doesn't deserve Caroline no bloody way! And I'm not willing to let her go off with him ,no ones taking my best friend away from me!

So I'm sat here finishing off my last few sentences ,it's 6pm and Damon's downstairs cooking something ,I'm scared to ask what because Damon cannot cook! Caroline's coming over in half hour so we ,at least Stefan's gone to visit Meredith and Ric for a few drinks ,so I'm all clear of Stefan for a few hours so I can sort them both out!

~story mode~

Elena threw her diary softly into her drawer and rubbed her head with her delicate hands ,she ran over to her dresser and shoved a lilac jacket on to cover her goose pumps from the chills . She skipped down the dark oak stairs of the Salvatore boarding house and past her and Damon's suitcases waiting by the staircase , a smell had reached the bottom of her nose ..burning . She ran into the kitchen to see Damon covered in black smoke ,he handed her a tray filled with black chicken that was burned to the crisp

"Jesus Christ Damon?! How did you manage to burn chicken?!" Her serious face soon turned into laughter .

Damon walked over to her with his smokey hands ready to cup her face

"Um I don't think so I've showered Damon ,go and get some nice food for us to eat tonight that Includes Caroline as well Damon!" She pointed to the door grinning .

"Oh yes I do remember that shower "he hissed "I'll go get pizza or something ,you really think this is going to work?" He asked wiping his face.

"Well I hope so because Stefan and Caroline love eachother ,I'm not letting klaus come in and take her away ,no way on earth!"

"Maybe you should let her go atleast he'll leave you alone -"

"No Damon she's one of my best friends ,and he'll end up staking her or something and I'm not taking that chance ,now go!"

Damon lifted his arms up all innocently and rushed towards the door , he opened it to see a blonde headed Caroline stood there ,he walked out as she walked in .

Her bright rouge heals glimmered as she twirled in the doorway

"You like?!" She giggled as she swirled her dress .

Her blonde curls hung softly on her shoulders ,she had bright red lipstick on as it glistened in the light that also matched her heals ,she whirled around in her black polkadot slim dress ,she stopped suddenly and stared at Elena

"Well you've made an effort Elena Gilbert !" She shrieked

Elena walked into the living room as her daps scraped the floor

"Caroline this isn't a fashion show -"

"Didn't know it was a hostel either "

Elena gave Caroline a glare "Caroline just sit down we need to talk".

~ 2 hours later~
Damon trotted slightly tipsy towards his front door and opened it . Elena was sat on the couch with Caroline screaming at her ,his eyes widened and suddenly rolled .
"Caroline shutup for god sake ,do you ever actually shutup!"
Caroline turned as tears fell down her rosy cheeks "I'm just going to go ,thankyou for the food Damon oh wait we didn't have any" she sarcastically laughed before slamming the door .
"Damon for Christ sake ,that went terrible! And you just wrecked everything I was finally getting to her, and you're fricking 2 hours late where the hell have you been? Food should've been here 2-"
Damon rolled his eyes and rubbed his head "Elena please stop shouting it's annoying -"
Elena sighed "fine you don't want to listen to me ,fine I'm going Damon"
Before Damon could turn to stop her she had gone .

Elena pulled up outside of Ric's house and rushed in with tears streaming down her face, Meredith was in the kitchen doing the dishes while Ric and Stefan sat watching tv , Elena slammed the door to see eyes staring at her ,she ran upstairs and into her old room slamming it shut .
A knock came to the door and a familiar voice called
"Elena ,hey Elena open the door what's wrong?"
"Ste-fan just go aw-aay ,I'm fine"she cried .
"Obviously not just let me in ,come on Elena "
Elena slowly sat up and unlocked the door ,as Stefan walked in with a concerned look on his face he gently touched Elena's shoulder before sitting on the bed next to her .
"Im sorry stefan it's just ,I tried to hard tonight for you and Caroline ,klaus is trying to take her away from you and you're both just so happy together ,please don't let him wreck it for you ,she loves you Stefan-"
Stefan quietly laughed "Elena it's fine ,me and Caroline are fine we've talked and she's moving back in tomorrow ok? Why are you upset?"
Elena smiled as tears slowly dripped down her face "it's Damon he never listens to me and he's always drunk ,he wrecked tonight and came in 2 hours late smelling of booze -"
"Elena that's Damon ,you love him and you know he loves you ,just go and see him in the morning and talk to him ok?"
Elena slowly nodded before sinking into a side hug .

Stefan pulled his car up and walked into his home with Caroline holding his hand ,he leant down and kissed her forehead before opening the door . The house was quiet and peaceful and there was no sign of movement ,Stefan called out his brothers name but there was no answer .
"Go to bed I'll be up now ,I just need to find my drunken fool of a brother "he laughed .
Stefan closed the door and searched downstairs calling his brothers name but there was no reply ,he ran up the stairs and opened his bedroom door to see his bed neatly made .
'Where the hell is he?' He thought before running back downstairs .
He unlocked the door and opened it quickly , he paused in a slight shade of horror at the person he was staring at ,a slim blonde stood in a short pink dress and black heals with a drunk Damon in her arms ,he was unconscious and his neck had been slightly broken .
"I believe this shit face belongs to you Stefan "she laughed as her pink lips glowed in the shade of the moon .
Stefan's eyes scanned her before muttering the word "Rebekah?!" .

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